Chapter Thirteen

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Waking up with him next to me, was something I could get used to. He was snoring slightly and his lips were perfectly curled. He looked younger in his sleep, more innocent. His hair was ruffled probably from rolling around. His arms still on my waist. I planted a kiss on his nose. His eyes fluttered open. They were turquoise and full of mystery. As if his eyes were the ocean, I could see my reflection in them. He smiled and grasped my waist tighter. "Good morning, princess." He said, his voice was raspy, and sexy. Another thing I could get used to. "Good morning , love." I said and he pulled me into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and melted into him. "I'm surprised, you're still here." I said and he shrugged. "Your mom never kicked me out." He said as if it was no big deal. I didn't mind, I wanted to stay like this for as long as possible. Then his stomach growled. "Hungry?" I asked and he nodded. So I sat up and he did too. We got up and went downstairs. There was a note on the island when I walked into the kitchen. Below the note was a box of donuts. "Sorry, had to go to work, enjoy! Love, mom." The note read. Carter immediately dug in, grabbing a chocolate long john. "Oh god, your mom is the best." He said and nibbled at his donut. I smiled and found two strawberry banana smoothies, when I went int the fridge. I handed one to Carter and he kindly accepted. Then I grabbed a chocolate long john myself. I sat on the stool and ate my donut. Carter was already on his second one. He moaned as he bit into it and I laughed. "Sounds familiar." I mumbled and he almost choked from laughing with me. "Speaking of, we can continue." He said with a wink. "That is true." I said with a smirk. After we finished eating I went into the living room and found Max asleep on the couch. I sat next to him and turned on That 70's Show. Carter picked me up and put me on his lap, I cuddled into him and we watched the TV. Max soon woke up and I let him out. When I sat back down Carter grabbed my waist and kissed me. It was rough and passionate, our lips moved in sync. I pulled apart and turned my attention back towards the TV. "Tease." He said jokingly. I stuck my tongue out. "How mature." He mumbled. After the episode ended I turned the TV off and looked at him. "Let's do something." I said. "What?" He asked, and I shrugged. "Do you know to skateboard?" I asked and he nodded. "Well, go get dressed." I said and pushed him out the door. I let Max back in and ran upstairs to get changed myself. I picked out my black lace bra and matching thong. Then my black Nike shirt and leggings. Along with my black and white Nike shoes. My hair was perfectly straight and I was in no mood to apply makeup. The doorbell rang, and I ran downstairs. Hey." I said when I answered and saw Carter, who was matching me. His Nike shirt was white and he had black jeans and white Nike's. "Well, if it isn't my adorable girlfriend." He said and my cheeks tinted pink, from blushing. He was holding his skateboard in his right hand. "I've got to grab mine, one second." I said and ran out the back door into my garage. Boxes were all over the place, I noticed my skateboard in a box next to my CDs. I locked the back door and grabbed my keys off the counter, before running back to the front door. I locked it behind me. "Alright, let's go." I said and followed Carter. He led me to a skatepark which was relatively close to our houses. There were other teenagers there, but I knew none of them. Some of them looked familiar from the party a couple weeks ago, but I knew none by name. Carter acknowledged some of them, but they kept their eyes on me. A kid with long brunet hair eyed me down, "Hey Carter, is that your girlfriend?" He said and Carter grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers. His skateboard still in the other. He squeezed my hand and nodded at the kid. "Yeah, Bryce." He said in a tone I never heard him use, he sounded disgusted. "She's fine." Bryce said and I felt my stomach turn, Carter kept squeezing my hand. I felt like I was going to lose feeling in it. "Carter, we can go, if you want." I whispered but he shook his head. "It's fine." He whispered back. We went towards the ramps, where there were more kids that reminded me of Bryce, their long hair down to their shoulders, and backwards hats. They all had black jeans like Carter, and had shirts probably from Zumiez. Most of them were wearing worn out Vans. I let go of Carter's hand and decided to do some tricks I learned. I heard whistles from the other guys, while Carter watched intently. His eyes never leaving my view. He looked impressed, his eyes sparkled. I heard a few mumbles directed in Carter's direction. "Your girlfriend, had mad skills." Some of them said and Carter nodded in agreement. Some of them made comments about my body and I felt weird. Carter's hand bunched into a fist. He walked away from the group and went up a ramp. As he went down my jaw dropped. He was perfect, the other guys looked shocked too. "I've never even seen him here, where'd he learn to do that?" They said and I smirked. "That's my guy." I mumbled. Carter smiled in my direction and I blew him a kiss. "Mi amor." I said and some of the guys heads turned. Their jaws still dropped, eyes full of shock. None of them could ever be as perfect as my Carter.

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