Dedicated to my favorite Abby out there. You’re my favoritest ginger on earth. Ily and u 2 cool 4 skool.
Brooklyn’s POV
I slid the pink razor up my now hairless-shin as the shaving cream disappeared. I was stuck in the cramped bathroom of the gross tour bus I rode. I had to share a bus with 5 boys who just eat, fart, and yell.
It was beautifully amazing.
“BROOKLYN EVELYN BEST.” My boyfriend screamed from outside the door.
I heard a blow of wind whenever his face appeared in the doorway of the bathroom. It scared me half to death, causing me to cut myself. I stared in disgust as a few drops of Ruby-colored blood slid down my leg.
“Seriously, Ni?” I laughed. “I was in the bathroom, creep.”
He pulled a strand of hair behind my ear, smiling. “You want a bandage, my sweet babeth?”
I nodded as I slid my Dove deodorant over the cut to stop the bleeding (actually works mwahahahaah)
Niall was back in record time with a thin piece of fabric in his hand.
“May I?” He looked up in fake pleading, positioning the bandaid on my cut..
“Weirdo.” I kissed his cheek.
“Shut up Mr. Krabs.” It was the first thing that rolled off my tongue.
Louis peeped his head in the doorway, raising up a single eyebrow.
“Mr. Krabs?”
“MR. KRABS?!?” He bursted out laughing as I pouted fakely.
Harry’s POV
Fan after fan, screaming girl after screaming girl. They were all perfect in every single way, but they didn’t even realize. I met one girl who was a cutter, and she was beautiful. I followed her on Twitter so we could DM.
“Hey!” A ginger walked up friendly-like.
She was breathtaking. Her red hair flowed down to almost her elbows, and her blue eyes shined like the stars. Her freckles were like little angel kisses.
She was wearing a floral small dress with some white vans and a headband across her head. Her blonde friend was wearing a bright blue dress with black oxfords and a flower crown.
“Hey!” I winked at the beauty. “I love the headband!”
We flirted for a while before I gave her my phone number and backstage passes for her and her friend and she gave me her Twitter and instagram.
She ended the note with an ‘xoxo, hope to see you again ;)’
When they left, Liam waggled his thick eyebrows suggestively.
“Mm. Harry got him a GIRLFRAND.” He laughed.
I blushed for maybe the first time in my life and smiled.
“Yeah, she’s fit.”
Her name was Abby and she acted like a completely normal person. She was funny, sweet, and loveable in many different ways.
I love this girl.
Brooklyns POV
I slid on my huge sweatshirt and jeans with boots to conceal.
The fandom still doesn’t know about me.
They just think im the performer for the beginning of the show. If only they knew…
But now when I went out I was forced to wear a blonde wig and cover my face if I wanted to hold hands with Niall in public. Ellie and him were still ‘fake dating’ and I was just the friend. Fake-friendzoned.
Niall and the rest of the boys had to go to a management meeting with me today, so we were all covered.
“Ah, yes. You’re Niall’s REAL girlfriend, correct?” The man smiled deviously.
“Well that must change. Lets take a look shall we?” The evil worker pulled up a slideshow of gossip websites with pictures of me and Niall smiling and holding hands.
“I’m not breaking up with my girlfriend just so the fans wont get jealous.” Niall breathed.
Oh god. When he breathes hard like that… he’s PISSED. He is about to go all out on the manager.
“Sor” The man started.
“No. I won’t even listen. I don’t need your crappy advice about my girlfriend. I don’t need your crappy advice about my singing. I don’t need your crap to the y talking. I don’t love Ellie. I like BROOKLYN EVELYN BEST, MY GIRLFRIEND.” Niall screamed with his face turning red.
“Niall, it’s ok, calm dow-
“NO! They can run my career, but they can’t run my life.” H e said deeply.
“Fine.” The man smirked. “No breaking up. But you have to kiss Ellie in public.”
Niall, Ellie, and my own jaw, dropped like the Tower Of Terror.
We all shouted no in unison.
“Listen… I’m not doing that!” Ellie said disgustedly.
“Do you want for them to break up? Do you want for Niall to only play guitar at the show? Are you heartless?!” The man screamed.
“no. but you are.” Ellie said plainly as she slapped the big man across his face and shouted a few curse words at him.
“I’m pregnant.” She breathed. “It’s not Niall’s child. It’s my actual BOYFRIENDS.”
We all smiled as I rushed to her side.
“Baby Ellie!” I managed through all the devastation that was happening.
“That leaves one thing. An abortion.”
(A/N: Hello beautiful beauties!!! I love all of you, short chappy kinda lololooll. KILYSM BYE.)

FanfictionBrooklyn, a normal girl who lives off the money she gets at a cafe singing, comes eye to eye with a big chance.