(Flash forward chapter)
Brooklyn's POV
My eyelids fluttered as I saw a BLURRY representation of what I think is a hospital room. My eyes darted across the room, landing on a body.
A blonde boy was sitting in a chair with his hands together, praying probably. His lips moved but no sound came out, his eyes watered but no expression was there.
He just looked scarred.
Like something had happened and he had to watch it.
I closed my eyes into tiny slits to watch him and not startle him.
He held something small and delicate in his hands, and jumbled it around a bit. The gleam caught the light, reflecting a shiny piece of silver jewelry.
That was my necklace.
The necklace had a meaning to it, it was the last thing I had to remember my mom by. It was a heart locket, and she had a matching one with a key.
"Brooklyn?" Niall blurted, calling me out.
"DOCTORS!! DOCTORS!! SHE'S AWAKE!! PLEASE NURSE SOMEONE!!" He jumped up, smiling like a madman.
"Nialler, I'm okay..." I said, still unsure of what had happened.
"Princess! I... I just... I missed you like crazy!!!" He came close to me, pulling me in for a kiss that no one in their right mind would pull away from. His lips were warm and sexily rough. It was weird, we kissed for everything. It represented many things. I'm sorry, I missed you, good night, whatever we felt like.
"I missed that." He pulled back, smiling.
"What's even going on?" I asked, holding my throbbing head.
Niall told me. And he didn't leave out a single detail.
By the end I was bawling like crazy.
"But.. How could that even happen??" I looked up at him with my big eyes.
Niall was trying not to cry as he patted my back.
"Everything will be alright babe."
"How are you sure?! What if I die?" I held his guitar-callused hand.
"Nobody will mess with you. Don't you worry your pretty little mind.
Ill keep you safe."
(A/N: ok that was a super super short chap. But I'm going to update literally a few mins after this to make it easier to understand. Kkk? KK. Omg y'all I might do a FAQ soon lol. Ily all so much and y'all are so beautifully perfect.
Psalms 34:17 When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.
Elizabeth xx)

FanfictionBrooklyn, a normal girl who lives off the money she gets at a cafe singing, comes eye to eye with a big chance.