Chapter 3

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Niall’s POV

Louis was sat beside me, looking on twitter at fan accounts. I was strumming my guitar quietly, deep in thought.

Andrew didn’t deserve her. Brooklyn deserved a prince, and I could be that for her. I could do anything for her. Andrew treats her like shes a servant, and she doesn’t mind. I can see the pain seeping throughout her eyes as she smiles.

“Boys.” She walked in the room, gritting her teeth. “You guys are starting.”

Andrew was backstage as he rolled his eyes. “Come on lets go watch the queer direction.” He snarled.

Brook raised an eyebrow, but looked to afraid to say something.


The whole concert I couldn’t focus. There was Andrew and Brook in the front row, cuddling. Suddenly she looked at his face where he raised an arm to slap her. She pulled back In fear as he lowered his muscular arm, wrapping it around her chest.

“This is a special one for ya, Here’s Teenage Dirtbag.” Harry echoed in his microphone.

When it got to my chorus, I raised my right eyebrow, drilling my eyes into Andrews.

“her boyfriends a…” I paused as I boldly shouted, emphasizing the d and the k.

Andrew flipped me off in return and smirked as he made out, full-on made out, with the girl I would do anything for.

My heart dropped to my knees and I looked to the ground for the rest of the show.

Brooklyn’s POV

I paced around my hotel room, more nervous than I had ever been in my life. I needed to break up with Andrew, but I was deathly afraid. He’d probably kill me, no joke.

I heard a faint knock on my door and I slowly opened it, only to reveal the last person I wanted to see.

“Leave me alone Niall.” I tried slamming the door on him, but he was too strong for me.

“We have to talk.”

God. This was the last thing I would’ve wanted to happen, and it did. I’ve been dreading our talk for days now.

I shrugged and grabbed my cardigan.

“Brooklyn, we can’t keep acting like this.” He grabbed my shoulders, pulling me in. Maybe Niall isn’t such a bad pers-

“No, Niall.” I shook my head. “you aren’t going to do this to me again. I’m not falling for it this time.”

He looked questioned.“What?”

“Oh don’t you dare ‘what’ me. I trusted you and you broke that trust.” My nose sniffled.

“Brooklyn..” He started. “You”

“No. Don’t you say one more word. I gotta go.”


I sipped my Pumpkin Spiced Latte as I talked to Zayn at Starbucks.

“Lets talk about Niall.” He smiled deviously.

“Ugh, lets like not.”

“Fiesty. But come on. I know you like him.” He waggled his dark eyebrows suggestively.

“Ew.” I rolled my eyes as I almost gagged on the sweet drink. “No he’s for Ellie.”

“Someone’s Jelly.”

“Not really.” I giggled. “I don’t get jealous of girls for dating arses.”

Zayn looked confused, but continued sipping his chai tea latte. “He’s not an arse. Why do ya think that?”

I sighed. “Listen, lets just say he led me on to believe that he really liked me, but he just left me out in the cold. In the snap of a finger, he got a prettier, nicer, and more famous girlfriend.”

I could feel my face get red with anger. Then there was a slight giggle… and it was owned by the only Zayn Malik.

“You mean Ellie?!!?!” He covered his mouth, yet laughter escaped.

I furrowed my eyebrow, staring at the tears of laughter escaped his brown eyes.

“Woo.” He dried his now-red eyes. “You think Ellie and Niall are dating?!”

“Wat.” I managed.

“Niall’s single… he only has Ellie for publicity.”


I ran down the cold, deserted alley as fast as my legs could take me.

I was so mean to Niall. I cut him off. I faked a boyfriend to make him jealous. All he did was act nice and protect me. I was so cold. I really did like him. I had liked him all along. Ever since I met him that night of the bonfire I liked him. He has ever since been the only one I wanted. I tried to remember the times I was terrible to him and the times with Andrew, but it was all BLURRY.

I ran up to Andrew’s apartment building, since he liked the town we were performing in, and moved in. I blew a huge blowhorn, causing everyone in the building to poke their heads out of the windows, including Andrew.



Running into the studio had never made me so nervous before. Ellie was in there recording her new album.

“Hi guys, can we take 10?” She asked in her accent, taking off the headphones she was given. “Brooke, whatcha doin here?!” She smiled a Colgate Smile (Mama always said get a rich boyfriend, you aint gotta love him girl you can pretend. ;)

“I need to apologize. Big time. I had no complete idea at all that you really aren’t dating Niall. I probably treated you terrible, its just all a big blur.”

She smiled. “Sweetie, don’t worry. But hurry up and catch Niall before the bus ride.” She winked.

“Thank you so much, El!” I kissed her cheek briefly.


“And I won’t let these little things, slip out of my mouth.” The band harmonized.

Niall was by the water fountain, staring off sadly.

I ran up to him, grabbed his cheek, and turned it towards me, crashing my lips unto his.

His whole body had a spasm of .5 seconds before wrapping his arm on the back of my waist and pulling me in. I had never ever had a kiss like this. There were fireworks, and magnetism everywhere.

“ATTA BOY!” Harry screamed.

“GET SOME, NIALL!” Louis shouted.

Zayn just plainly whistled.

“MEOWWW.” Liam purred.

Finally when we pulled away, Niall smirked.

“Took ya long enough.”

(A/N: Hello loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ily all soooo much like omgz. Hashtag swagger. Anyway, the story is just now warming up, HOLLAH! I hope yall enjoy and PLEASE SHARE I’D LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Xx Elizabeth.)

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