Chapter 7

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Brooklyn's POV

Niall laughed as I literally drank my chicken noodle soup out of my mug. It was a shiny white chrome mug with black writing that spelled out

I heart my Irish man.

Oh my god I was mortified. He thought it was cute and clever. Niall was literally the cutest thing on earth- cuter than a puppy.

I stuck my pink tongue out of my mouth, causing him to touch it and giggle slightly.

God he's so weird.

One of my strands of hair fell infront of my eyes. I casually pulled it back as Niall grabbed my wrist forcefully, releasing a small wince from my mouth.

"What the Hell is that?" He questioned.

~flash to the back~

I cursed their names as I threw my porcelain lamp into my lime green painted wall, seeing it fall to pieces.

Like my heart.

I got back on MySpace quickly to prove it.

Stacey Harris

"Listen ***** no one ******* cares about you. For all anyone cares, you can go kill yourself. No one ever has liked you, or ever will. You're just wasted space that God made a mistake of making. I'm tired of faking being your friend. No one likes you.


I jammed the off button on my computer as a fresh set of tears rushed down my face yet again.

"BROOKLYN SHUT UP!" My adoptive mom yelled from her bedroom, where she was with a random man, banging. This was usual.

My real mom, Lilly had lost me. I remember her somewhat, but I was only 5 when I had been kidnapped. I can still smell her perfume some times.

I stood in the mirror where my chunky body ricocheted in the reflection.

All the girls are thinner than a sheet of paper. Then there's me, a fat penguin. Awkward, and shy.

I slowly reached under my mattress as I pulled out a razor blade.

That blade and I had memories.

It was there for me when no one else was. It would comfort me, and hug my outside with fresh blood from my inside, warming my skin. It was really the closest thing I had to a friend.

That sounds pathetic; my best friend is what I use to self harm. But really, it was my only friend.

I slid the razor across my wrist, breaking last uses' scars and replacing them with new. The blood oozed down my wrist, all the way to my elbow. It just kept flowing, and I kept staring.

No one likes you.

You're a disappointment.

This happened very often, so I didn't even feel the pain now. I was used to it, and it felt relieving.

~end of flashback~

"I used to garden a lot. I got scars from the thorns on roses." I quickly brought my hoodie to cover up my wrist, the journal of my depression.

"Don't you dare even lie like that. Please tell me the truth, do you self-harm?" Niall looked up at me with wet puppy eyes.

So i told him.

I told him it all.

"So now I don't do it. Ever since we've been dating I've been clean. I didn't even bring my lucky razor on tour..." I ended my story.

Niall sat there, jaw dropped, eyes pouring tears, and breathing heavy.

"P-p-p-princess. Please promise me you'll stop forever. And I mean forever. Please, for me."

I looked around, and the tears gathered in my hazel eyes.



(A/N: hello peopleee! I wrote this late last night haha so I apologize for any mistakes! SHARESHARESHARESHARE

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