Nialls POV
there I sit, in our room at the venue.
My knuckles are bloody, my muscles aching.
The wall stares at me in disappointment, the fresh cracks I just made with my fists.
I was the biggest idiot on the face of the planet.
I broke up with the girl who completed me.
I was a total mess without Brooklyn.
Our next album was supposed to come soon, and we desperately needed a song.
I strummed a few chords on my guitar, fumbling.
My hands went up to my hair and pulled it, resting my head in my hands.
"But I love her..." I hummed.
I turned around and took another swig of my Red Bull.
Without her I was weak, it that too bad?
She made me feel good and she controlled me.
I love this girl.
Shut up Niall she CHEATED on you!! She's the one that should be crying over YOU!!
I exhaled deeply and grabbed my pen, scribbling something down.
It was a mess. I'm NOTHING without her.
Brooklyn's POV
I miss him like crazy.
He's my Nialler, my Ni, everything.
He completed me, he made me incredibly happy.
I lay in my hotel bed, which I've only gotten out of for concerts and meet and greets.
It was awkward at concerts, Niall and I would faintly smile at the most and look away.
But it wasn't a girl, I could recognize that voice from 10 miles away.
"Harry you're a freak." I laughed as I opened the door.
He smiled and handed me a basket.
It held many things, an extra large tub of Nutella, Ben and Jerry's ice creams, a lush Twilight bath bomb, some lavender spray for my pillows, and more.
"Thanks Haz!!!!" I smiled for the first time in what felt like forever.
"I'm not going to lie, that was one of the best movies in the world." Harry dipped his spoon in a tub of half baked after Mean Girls.
I nodded "exactly, right?"
He grabbed his silver Iphone5s and flashed it in our face.
He stuck his tongue out and I did the kissy face, but over exaggerating it.
He went straight to Instagram.
"What filter boo?" He laughed.
Before our breakup, we saw this group of white girls and they were all calling each other boo and that's our joke now.
"X-Pro or whatever it's called." I laughed.
He clicked the cube, making our faces look airbrushed
You could tell I was crying, but it was way more less noticeable.
"You can't sit with us." He captioned it, and sent it out to the whole world.
Already it had thousands of likes, and comments.
"Boo THAT whore."
"Someone's using Harry to get to an ex back."
"Ugliest girl on EARTH. #stoptryinghoney."
Harry looked down and clicked the three buttons to delete it.
"No. Wait." I paused.
He raised an eyebrow to say "you crazy."
I told him to keep it up and make the fans jealous.
"I like you, devil child." He laughed his husky laugh.
I smiled and grabbed another cookie that I was binging on.
Harry grabbed my small hand with his massive one, his warm with my cold. It was kind of like a metaphor I would guess.. His heart was so warm and mine so bitter and cold.
I looked up into his emerald green eyes and noticed something in there. It was something weird, but very noticable.
Something had changed.
Nialls POV
I looked in my fogged up mirror at my reflection.
Stubbly chin, bloodshot eyes, greasy hair. I felt so wrong without her. She made me actually feel worth something.
I sighed and took another sip of my red bull, grabbing the guitar.
"But I don't care, I'm not scared of loove..." I harmonized.
I sighed and pulled out my phone. Instagram is for times like this. I held down the refresh button, instantly loading two familiar faces.
Harry and Brooklyn were looking happy, yet all I saw were tear stains. The comments were 10x worse. Telling her to kill herself, or she's a slut.
I sighed and got into the nearest shower, turning it on the hottest setting.
The steaming water scorched my back and everything else.
I grabbed my razor, shaving my chin and upper lip area, while drowning my whole body in Dove Men body wash.
Brooklyn's POV
I slid my hair out of the elastic that had held it up in a high ponytail, instantly flooding my shoulders with mountains of hair.
"Yeah we got that Fire, and we gonna let it burn burn..." My phone rang out.
"Hey that's Ellie, hand me my phone please!"
"Hello?" I smiled.
"Um yes, Brooklyn? This is Ellie's um, boyfriend. She's now erm, about to give birth?"
(A/N: okay this update was SO MUCH NEEDED! I apologize for my super long break but I miss y'all so much! I love everyone to pieces! Booooobbbyyyyeeeeee!)

FanfictionBrooklyn, a normal girl who lives off the money she gets at a cafe singing, comes eye to eye with a big chance.