Chapter 11

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Back to normal chap

Brooklyn's POV

I was drug to the place where I had hoped to never go in my life again.

My old house.

It was the same as before, green ivy hugging the red brick small home. The windows were either cracked or tinted with the collected dust of over 12 years.

My hands were wrapped behind my back as I looked over at my struggling boyfriend. His toned arms were flooded with ruby-red blood dotted all over his forearms. The eyes that used to have the bluest tint to them were now forced shut, and purple.

"Ma!" The girl who was holding me shouted. "We have... Visitors."

The girls date was carrying Niall, smirking like the devil.

There she was.

The lady who beat me. The lady who made me beat myself. The lady who almost made me commit suicide.

My adoptive mother.

Her reddish-brown frumpy hair outlined her sun-aged face as she furrowed her scraggly brow.

"Brooklyn? Is that you?" She scratched her head.

I gulped and looked around, not wanting to answer.

"BROOKE." She shouted, smiling devilishly.

"Ye-yes?" I shook, as the girl dropped my body on the hard concrete sidewalk with a thud.

"Mom, lets go inside." She looked around.

I swear I heard her add "we don't want any police calls" but I might have been imagining it.

The woman I hated grabbed my back of my shirt in one hand, leaving behind my boyfriend.

"HELP!" I took my chance to yell. "HELP, PLEASE!!!"

As quick as she could, my mother covered my mouth along with a slap to the face.

Soon I was thrown on the ground in the kitchen of the house I hated. There were things everywhere. Cocaine substances in the carpet, broken beer bottles thrown across the room, bras and lace thongs scattered.

I winced at the memories of being forced to watch my "mom" having sex with random men.

It was absolutely terrifying.

"Listen." My mom took a thing cigarette from the pack and threw it across the room. "I need you to come back. Your little weak boyfriend can go. Not you." She laughed.

"Are you serious with me right now?!" I laughed sarcastically. "Right now my life is as good as its ever been."

My mom made a "duh" face. "I know. That's why you're coming home."

My face automatically turned pale.

One thing about her is that she doesn't take no for a answer, she'll do anything for it to go her way.

"No m-m-mo- I mean Amy. No Amy." I shuddered.

Amy just threw me into my room, locking us both in.

"Remember this room? You escaped from it. You just left for a world tour without telling your mother." She started breathing heavy.

This isn't good.

Nialls POV

I had finally awoken from unconsciousness, not a clue where I was. I looked around, the gloomy dark sky, the bright shining stars. I extended my arms to see blood and bruises.

I touched my face only to reveal that it was damp with sweat and blood. I finally heard something crack and then got suspicious.

There was a loud scream and a slapping sound.

"SHUT UP YOU WORTHLESS PIG!" I heard a familiar voice shout.

That's not any voice.

I whipped out my IPhone 5s as I quickly dialed the 3 numbers I've known since I was 4.


Brooklyn's POV

I was begging, screaming, and crying all at once.


My mom grabbed me by my thick hair as she whispered terrible words in my ear.

"SHUT UP YOU WORTHLESS PIG!" This time she screamed.

She smiled Evilly as she turned me towards my mirror.

"Look how preeeetttttyyy you are." She fakely laughed.

my face slammed into the mirror, sending sharp pains throughout my whole body.

"Mary, be a dear and go get my.. Thing for me." Amy said.

There came the girl who carried me, holding something I wish I had never saw again.

She was holding my mothers shotgun, with the initials

A. J. P.

In rhinestones.

"One little move." She inched closer to my bleeding face. "Just one. The pull of a trigger, and you're gone."


That's when everything went black.

(A/N: omg y'all.


Proverbs 31:25 she is clothed in Strength and Dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future

Sorry guys I haven't been updating. Lotsa drama happening lately and I needed a little break. Ily all SO FREAKING MUCH!

Elizabeth xx)

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