Brooklyn's POV
I ran into the hospital, pushing through the crowds of people already there.
"Hi." I breathe as I reach the receptionist. "I'm here for Ellie Goulding?"
She snickers, not looking up from her computer. "So is everyone else over here." She points her false-nailed finger over to the crowd of people.
Harry all of the sudden pulls out of the crowd of girls clawing at him.
"Hi, we're here for Ellie Goulding." He smiles.
"Listen!" She doesn't look up still "I told you no visiting..." She looked up. "Oh. You're Harry Styles from One Direction." She blushes as she immediately writes down a room on a slip of paper.
"This is her room... Sorry for the inconvenience.."
"No worries." Harry grunts.
Nialls POV
"Niall! It's your baby mamas birth!"
"Come on Niall don't say you aren't with her!"
"Thank god you dumped that cheap chick!"
I try to brush off all the comments as I rush into the hospital room that Ellie's boyfriend told me.
"Excuse me sir." A young nurse pipes in. "I'm sorry you can't go in right now."
I nodded, crossing my arms.
"I'm Scarlet." She smiled big, extending out her arm to shake. " you're Niall Horan right?"
I nodded again, this time smiling.
"That's me. How are you today? You know besides the billions of Ellie Goulding fans begging to get in?"
She laughed and pulled her red bangs to the side. "Don't you know the insanity! I feel like they're going to come in and run me over!"
I slightly chuckled, her humor was different from me and Brooke's. we both had some kind of "geeky" or "lame" humor. Hers was kind of snarky.
"You know, you're very very cute." She smiled.
I smiled awkwardly and thanked her.
"This may be a little upfront but I think we'd be a cute couple." She looks up admiringly. "Better than you and your ex, to be honest."
I furrow my brows and start gnawing on my pinky nail.
"Like what?"
She sighs and puts both hands on her clipboard.
"I don't know. She was kind of show-offy I guess. And she always seemed like she knew everything. She also seemed like someone to end the concert then go home and get drunk. I know she always seemed and sounded drunk." She laughed like in a way she thought she was better than everyone.
I raised my left eyebrow and straightened up.
"I'm sorry Scarlet but I think you're incorrect. Brooklyn was honestly the best thing to ever happen to me, and I would give anything in the world to get back with her. I was a giant jerk and I can't even believe that I did it." I took a huge breath.
She looked at me weird and rolled her eyes.
"Whatever. Whenever you're back in the right perspective, call me." She handed me a sheet of paper, covered in perfume and her number.
She walked away, shaking her hips violently as she went.
"Dude this is a hospital not a freaking strip club." A voice said.

FanfictionBrooklyn, a normal girl who lives off the money she gets at a cafe singing, comes eye to eye with a big chance.