Chapter 5: Eclipse

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"Can you please tell me why we're sneaking onto a cop car" Tabion says from behind the car.

"I told you Hase's not dead and I need to think his Avengers." Liliana says looking around. "Coasts clear" Liliana, Sam and Tabion sneak into the back of a police car and hide in the back seats. The car begins to move and heads for the police station. They arrive and the police men exit the car and walk into the police station. Liliana, Sam, and Tabion sneak to the back of the station.

"Great how do we break into a police station full of on guard police." Tabion says sarcastically.

"Okay my cousin Diego works as police officer if we can get him to-." Sam hops onto the dumpster

.. and jumps off it and climbs the air vent to open a window on the 4th floor. She reals down a rope ladder to Liliana and Tabion.

"Wow, she's amazing" Tabion says with his eyes reverencing in Sam.

"I know right now stop drooling and come on" Liliana says. They climb up the rope ladder to the window where Sam looked at all the supplies in the room. There were extinguishers, rope, fire proof jackets, Mops brooms and anything that you would keep in a utility closet.

"Great in an overly sized utility closet what next" Tabion says picking up a broom.

"Don't touch that and we'll think of something." Liliana says pulling up the rope ladder.

"There!" Sam says pointing at an Air Vent.

"Sam what would I do without you." Liliana says smiling.

"Probably try to find someone like me." Sam says smiling back. Tabion lifts Sam and Liliana up into the air vent.

"I'll wait here im too big for that vent."

"Okay we'll be back" Liliana and Sam crawl through the vents. The vents were dusty in some areas but clean in others. They reach the chief of police's office and look down as the chief sits below them with a pile of paper work. A knock at his door and in came a Lieutenant from the National Guard.

"Chief" he says saluting "We've received the news of the incident has anything new come up?"

"No, nothing these shootings always surprise us and cause problems. We haven't identified the Men laced with purple in suits. They must be a new uprising organization. That's one of our Main priorities. Secondly Ben Judice was apprehended at the scene which compels me to wonder."

"About what chief" The Lieutenant Freeman asks.

"Witnesses and students say a man in a white hood stopped these men and even have intel on what is going on. Even if it's a little we need all the info we can get on this new organization for now we need to find this man in the hood and ask him what he knows."

"If he resists?"

"Then he won't have a choice we bring him in by force."

Liliana and Sam look at each other. Sam reaches into her pocket and pulls out two purple Bandanas and hands one to Liliana. She mouths put it on to her and the put the masks around their mouths. Sam turns around and slowly makes her way back through the air vent. Liliana follows and bumps her knee on the wall of the air vent. The chief and Leuitenant look up at the air vent.

"You heard that too right?" The chief says listening carefully.

"They're in the vents!" Sam and Liliana scurry back to the Utility closet. They crawl to a section where multiple vents connected.

"Which way is the closet?" Liliana whispers in panic.

"This way!" Sam crawls through a vent having seen her trail of trail mix and falls through the opening to where Tabion was pacing back and forth. Liliana falls through while Sam throws down the rope ladder. She hands Tabion a bandana and he puts it on.

"We have to go now!" Liliana says barricading the door. They climb out of the window and land in the back of the building. Two police officers run from behind them. "Stop and don't move!"

Two more run in front of Liliana, Sam and Tabion. They were cornered and the policemen slowly walked forward.

"Now what?" Tabion says as they stand back to back.

"Now we fight" Sam says with a smile. Sam runs up to an officer in front of them and jumps on him. The other officer reaches for her but Liliana runs and pushes him to the ground. Tabion stares down with the two other officers.

"Now listen we can do this the easy way or the hard way." The officers look at eachother and pull out their batons. "Hard way it is" Tabion runs to the officers and grabs one of their batons. The other officer swings at Tabion. He ducks and the baton hits the other officer in the face. Tabion grabs the other baton and yanks them out of their hands. "I've watched Batman for years I think I can fight like Nightwing now.

Sam punches the officer on the ground unconscious. The officer that Liliana pushed smacks her to the ground Sam jumps of the wall and Izuguri's the officer in the face. He backs away stunned and Liliana runs up and RKO's the officer.

"Yeah!" Liliana cheers high fiving Sam. Tabion fights off the two other police officer with their batons. He fights in a nightwing motion. He hits one officer in the neck knocking him out instantly and hits the other in the back of the knee and in his face knocking him out.

"WOOO, That was a workout" Tabion says taking a knee. Liliana pulls him up from his arm.

"No time to rest we gotta go!" The three run across the street and down the block as the sound of sirens fills the sky. The Lieutenant and chief arrive in the back ally of the police station with several officers. They tend to the officers who are hurt.

"Who did this to you?" the Chief asks as he kneels down to an officer holding an icepack to his head.

"It was ow." The officer rubs the side of his head. "Two girls and one guy. They all wore bandanas so I couldn't make out their faces."

"Thank you" The chief says as he stands up.

"A school shooting, New organizations and a mysterious hooded man." Lieutenant Freeman says to the Chief. "Something is going down in this small village something big and we need to start investigation now." The Lieutenant looks at the officers on the ground. These attacks could be disastrous."


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