Chapter 3: Orthodox

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The police arrived 5 minutes later after the whole scene unfolded. Liliana and Sam walked through the streets seeing as mothers cry for their sons and entire families try to push and shove to make sure their kids are safe and alive. "Why did this happen" Lilliana asks as she limps with Sam holding her. "People are crazy Lilly, its human nature." They find a medic yelling out orders. "Please help my friend" Sam says. "Sure" he picks up Liliana and puts her on the back of the ambulance. "It's only twisted don't worry" he smiles at Liliana and he patches her up and tends to everyone else who needed help. "It still hurts but I can walk on my own." Liliana and Sam walk through the school and look on as investigators look at the piles of bodies. "Oh my god. Where is Hase!" Liliana looks around and moves as fast as she can screaming his name. "Hase! Please no not him he couldn't be he must be safe." She turns down a hall way and in a quick glance sees Hase's head under a blanket.

Instantly Liliana drops to the ground as tears fill her eyes. "NOOOOOO!" Liliana cries out. "Hey who let them in here" a man says. Sam comes running and hugs her on the ground. "It'll be okay Lilly it'll be Okay" Sam looks at Hase's body and holds Liliana tighter. "Forever we were supposed to be together forever." "I know, I know" Liliana cries on Sam's shoulder. "Please you girls shouldn't be here" an investigator says holding his hands out. Sam stares him down as if she was going to pounce on him. She stands her and Liliana up. "We have to go now cmon." "I can't leave him, no I can't" Liliana says looking at Hase's body. Sam pulls her to the exit where Tabion was waiting. "That shit was crazy who shot up the school?" "I heard it was a senior" Sam says holding Liliana. "Ben" Liliana says lifting her head in realization. She dashes towards the door to the football field and to where police men are picking Ben off the ground and putting handcuffs on him.

Liliana runs across the field and knees Ben in the nuts. "Hey!" the Police officers reach for Liliana but Tabion jumps in and spears the first officer and Sam dropkicks the other. Liliana picks up Ben's Glock 19 "You killed him!" Liliana says angrily as she walks towards him. Ben tries to back away but struggles because of the handcuffs. He stops and looks up at Liliana as she points the barrel in between his eyes. Liliana trembles as she stares at Ben. "Stop!" one of the officers says as he throws Sam off him and runs to Liliana. Tabion jumps and punches the officer to the ground. "No one hits Liliana but me!" Ben stares death in the face and laughs.

"Funny how roles change huh Liliana being popular has its perks. I didn't think you'd go to the extent of killing a nobody like me." "You've made yourself known all around the school now."

"Shoot him!" a father says from the street. "He killed our kids shoot him now!" people in the streets cried out to Liliana to kill Ben. The cries echo in Liliana's head and Hase's dead body flashes.

"What are you going to do Lilly your popularity be seeks you" Ben says with a smirk. Everything mutes as Liliana's eyes open wide. She looks at Ben and shoots his arms and legs. Ben screams in pain and rolls on the ground.

"I'll let you feel the pain the students didn't get to feel" Liliana drops the gun and stares at Ben. Her eyes were lost in rage as the crowd screamed for her to finish him. The officers pin Tabion and Sam to the ground and two more run to Ben's aid.

"What do you think that would accomplish" one of the officers spoke as the other took Ben away in an Ambulance.

Liliana looks at her hands and starts crying again. "Killing him won't bring you peace or bring them back" the officers escort them off the school grounds and leave them. "I wrestled police officer that was awesome! You saw my spear right." "Tabion now's not the time!" Liliana says looking at the school. "Hase's dead is it really time to be happy?" "He would want you to keep living." Liliana looks back at Sam her eyes still filled with tears. "It'll be rough now but it'll get better Lilly" Sam holds her hand and smiles at her. Liliana looks up at her. She wanted to smile but everything that happened held her smile in chains.

"I don't feel like he's dead. He's in a better place" Sam looks at the Autumn leaves fall to the ground. A leaf makes a puddle ripple and Liliana wakes up from her phantasm.

"No I won't accept it yet. Hase isn't dead yet." Liliana looks at the leaf in the puddle. It begins to soak and fade.

"I thought you saw his body in the pile. Lilly being in denial is even worse than taking the time to accept he is gone."

"Tabion!" Sam says glaring at him.

"It's okay Sam. He's wrong either way. I won't give up this is different I can feel it when my uncle bubby died I knew he was dead so did Hase. I feel completely different like he's out there watching waiting for me to find him." Liliana takes a deep breath and wipes away her tears. "This nightmare will end."

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