Chapter 11: Someday

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The two groups stand face to face. Liliana and the white hooded man stare each other down. "I won't allow you to get hurt. Manny! I thought everyone was evacuated!" Hase asks angrily.

"They are hermano, everyone in the town."

"What about the high school!" Manny pauses

" Lo siento Chica did anyone get hurt at your school."

"Nadie resùlto herido. Everyone is not far we have a building secured not far from here."

"Hey bro I like this girl hook me up." Manny whispers.

"We'll help you get out let's go." Hase commands.

"No we're going to help you. You need us. We have the numbers and the weapons we can fight together!" Liliana exclaims.

"I won't let high school students get hurt!"

"We're not just high school students!" Liliana exclaims.

"You're just children! You don't know what you're up against"

"Why won't you just let me help you Hase!" Everyone pauses and nothing but the sound of sirens and a cold breeze can be heard. "I lost my best friend to that gunman and you protected our school I know you couldn't make it to him but please tell me he's alive." Liliana's eyes sparkled as if she dreamt of this moment for years. Hase stared in shock.

"I'm sorry but he's dead." Liliana's sparkling eyes turned to crystal clear waters as tears ran down from them. "You can't bring the dead back to life or fool yourself to believe that they are still alive. All that time you lived a lie. Stop being a child and grow-." Sam dashes for Hase and holds a syringe to his throat.

"Say one more word and you'll be paralyzed." Hase smiles. "You're fast when you're mad Sam. Go with Manny. Tabion you go with Logan and James Liliana you're with me. We got a town to reclaim." Everyone looks at Hase confused. Liliana stands up.

(She's not upset, or regretful for even trying. She knows we're proud of what she's doing. She's ready to fight!)

"For once I agree. Okay split up take any measure of action!" James blasts fire from his hands and flies off. Logan and Tabion ride on a wave in the opposite direction. Manny creates a portal of vines and Sam steps through.

"I wish I got the bonita morena" Mammy says as he walks through his portal and it disappears.

"Liliana" Hase says holding his hand out to her. She takes it as Hase smiles and starts levitating. He slowly flies with her and they get an aerial view of the city.

"What's happening to our world?" She asks looking at the rubble left by fires.

"Someone wants power and this is just the tip of the iceberg." Below Hase and Liliana were police in a shootout with men in suits. "Lilly. Before Hase died he told me something."

"You saw him die. Why didn't yo-!"

"Let me finish." Hase interrupts her. "Before he died he asked me to watch over you. To tell you he loves you. That he's sorry he couldn't see you get married and grow. He didn't get to tell you his mistakes or see to you make new ones. The girl he liked will never notice him. The thing he regretted the most was being with you." Liliana's eyes widen in shock and her heart can be heard increasing.

"You're lying. Stop lying Hase loved me! He was my best friend and I was his!" Hase remained quiet. Liliana looks at the knife on her thigh. She slowly reaches for it. Her hands shaking in trama.

"He told me to stop you from killing yourself as well." Liliana looks at him with anger and starts punching him. "Why didn't you save him? Why didn't you! He could still be here by my side! Why!" Hase keeps flying as Liliana punches him.

(Why don't you tell the truth? She's right there.)

"I can't." Hase whispers to himself. Liliana stops punching him and stabs Hase's hand. She falls, waiting for all of her to splat on the ground. Hase grabs her as she was almost an inch off the ground.

"Put me down! I need to be with him!"

(Show her.)

"Let me go!"

(She needs us.)


(Do it)

"Both of you shut up!" Hase drops Liliana and stands above her. "He is dead! He will never come back! If you died don't you think he would die too! Get yourself together! I need that determined Liliana back!" Liliana looks up at Hase and stands up. She wipes her tears and takes a deep breath.

"Okay. I'm sorry what are we going to do."

"Thank you. We're going to the borders. We need to keep them inside the town and keep them from escaping. This is war who knows how many full states have been conquered. Everyone is headed cross country to stop as many as we can. Our job is this town. Rally the students and go with your plan." Hase places a portal. "Go through here and meet me at the west gate of the town. That's most likely where they want to escape from."

"Got it please be careful." Liliana hugs Hase. Hase hugs her back in a warm hug. "I'm going now." Liliana runs through the portal and it disappears. Hase looks at the desolate town that was behind the portal.

"So this is how she felt when I left." Hase clenches his chest and takes a deep breath. He heads towards the western border as the sound of guns and yelling grew louder.

"Don't let any of them get out of the town!" Gun fire sprays on both ends of the street. As Hase leaps over the scene it is clear that the police are losing their ground.

"Fall back there's too many!" Bodies fall on both sides as the blood cove's mass army reaches closer to the edge of Freeport. A man falls on the ground and as a blood cove solider aims at him. Hase bullets down to the ground creating a seclusive dust cloud between both groups. Gunfire ceases and silence fills the air. In a flash, policemen began to appear from out of the dust cloud one by one. Hase skit on the ground in front of the officers, holding their position behind the barrier.

"Super speed nice" Hase says smiling. The officers take aim at Hase and Hase looks at them with no fear.

"What are you doing here murderer." The chief says walking up to Hase.

"You either listen or die. They can't hear us we have 9 seconds before that cloud begins to fade. Make a choice chief." The chief glares at Hase and turns to his men.

"Men take aim at the dust, be ready!"

"Good choice. Now stay behind me." The dust clears and the Blood cove soldiers look on to see Hase standing in front of the police force. Instantly they begin shooting at Hase. The police officers take cover and close their eyes. The officers open their eyes still hiding behind the barrier. The sound of bullets never hit the pavement or a single yelp of an injured officer was heard. Everyone looks over to see a wall of spinning bullets in front of Hase whose hand was held out.

(Changing the density of the wind in front of you, smart Hase. You're learning more and more. I can't wait to break you!)

Hase smiles and the bullets rotate and face the direction of the blood cove soldiers. "My accuracy is on point so even if you run theirs no use." Hase smiles and the bullets speed right back to their origin. Each retrieving a headshot. "Come on we need to corner them!" Hase marches in front of the police force as they shoot from behind him. Hase walks catching round after round of bullets. The police begin regaining their ground.

"Hase we're ready" voices say along the wind.

"Good" Hase speeds back to the edge of Freeport. "Everyone harness your power!" Hase closes his eyes and claps his hands. "We will not let them take us down!" Hase slaps the ground with both hands and a wall of wind surrounds the city of Freeport. A fire wall appears in North Dokata. It forms a ring around the state. An abyss appears around the state of California. It is infested with sharks piranhas and eels. A huge wall of tree branches were created around Texas spreading to the outer border of florida. In San Antonia a large tree succumbed the tower of -------

"This is it. This is war."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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