Chapter 10: Regain

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The white hooded man runs out of the auditorium. Everyone looks at Liliana shocked. The auditorium remained in silence. "Lilly do you know the white hooded man!" a voice from the crowd yells out. Liliana wipes her tears and in a snap distant gunfire can be heard from outside. "What's that?"

"Oh my god is those gunshots!"

"It's happening again!!" a boy cries out in panic. Liliana looks around as the silence is lifted from the auditorium and is filled with the panic of terrified kids. Teachers try to calm the students down but the uproar gets more violent. Tabion and Sam wait by the exit calling to Liliana she runs to them and is stopped by Mr. Neo. "Where are you going?" he says grabbing Liliana. She looks at him with an angered look.

"I'm sorry for this but two years ago you were responsible for keeping him safe." Liliana side kicked Mr. Neo in the stomach twice and he falls to the ground. "One was for him the other is for touching me." She runs off to Tabion and Sam and they exit the auditorium. "What's going on why are their gunshots?" Tabion looks at his watch.

"The computer says there are attacks happening around the country not just here. Ironically they all began exactly at the same time. As soon as the play begun men in purple suits were seen from traffic cams started attacking everything in their sights."

"That's probably where the white hooded man went. But he wouldn't leave us would he? He saved our school for a reason."

"Sometimes people aren't what they seem to be Lilly. I'd thought you'd learn that by now. Come on let's get our stuff we have to protect the school." They all run to the girls' bathroom in the basement of the school.

"Wait!" They all stop in front of the door. "Tabion you can't come in!" Sam commands.

"Is this really the time to be gender bias!?" Tabion replies.

"Yes! Stay out here we'll be right out." Liliana and Sam run into the bathroom and unseals the tile hiding the duffel bag. They come out of the bathroom and they all suit up. Sam and Tabion put on their ammo holders and Weapons on their belts hidden under their shirts. Liliana rips off the end of her dress and underneath it strapped to her thigh was a hunter's knife and one of her glocks.

"Let's go" Liliana says firmly holding a glock. Tabion stares at her lost for a moment. Sam smacks him in the back of the head. "Idiot come on" Sam says disappointed. "Hey! That was rude!" Liliana laughs then picks up the satchel with her extra ammunition and they all run downstairs. Men in suits laced with purple barged through the door in an endless march. They began slaughtering the security guards guarding the door. They all stop as Sam, Tabion and Liliana block their path to the rest of the students.

"Kill them! Kill all the brats!" they all yell as they charged.

"He stood his ground to protect this school. I won't let you harm them!" Liliana switches to her bal-27 and starts spraying the men with bullets. She runs low on bullets in in .5 seconds blank she reloads and continues to mow down the horde. "Tabion! Sam! Get ready I'll find you an opening!" Sam pulls out 4 scalpels in between her fingers and Tabion pulls out his batons. "Now!" Liliana reloads and takes cover. Tabion and Sam rush into the crowd and begans their fight. Tabions knocks out the men as he fights with what almost seems like flying batons. Sam paralyzes men that rush her she stays high in the air using quick stabs to the back of the neck to paralyze them from the neck down. Liliana provided support from behind. "There's too many!" Tabion yells out.

"Keep fighting! They'll let up soon!" Sam yells back. Liliana watches Sam and Tabion fight as she shoots men still coming in. "Please." She thinks to herself "We need help. White hooded man please."

"Charge!" a female voice says from behind Liliana. From down the hall way Freeport high school students began charging towards the horde of men. The lead of the army was Amethyst. She runs to Liliana's side and smiles.

"Krystalhow did you? Why did you?" Liliana stutters.

"The teachers were preaching so we tied them up and their safely in the auditorium. Some kids ran off but everyone else wanted to help when they heard you guys fighting. I'm glad you're okay. Ask for anything okay I want to find Hase too." Liliana smiles at her and runs into action with Amethyst. She switches to her glocks and begins fighting alongside everyone. The men fled as everyone cheered battered and bruised. Liliana stands on a chair and looks at everyone. "Everyone listen up! The whole town is being attacked your families have most likely been evacuated already. We're going to get you to them but we'll have to get through more of those guys. Let's show them Freeport High school students are Badasses!" Everyone cheers and rally up. They all leave and travel into the town through stolen cars. Sam drives the lead car with her, Liliana, Tabion and Amethyst. A row of cars several blocks long follow filled with 700 high school students. They stop by multiple gun stores around town and armor everyone up. Confrontations with men in suits occurred but they were either ran over or shot strategically. The cars stop at an abandoned building with 7 floors and circled it. 100 students stood guard on the ground armed with Ak-47s and smoke grenades. On The 1st, 6th and 7th floors were snipers aimed at every blind spot of the inner building. On 5 other buildings were more snipers and students on the outer field of the main building. Each building held 100 students guarding it. Sam tended to the rest of the students on the 3rd floor of the building. Liliana and Tabion planned out a strategy to take back the town with little to no casualties.

"Okay the convoy will probably be the best option we'll the cars in rows of three. The cars on the left and right of each row will have a layer of metal to protect them and the inner car. Each car will be customized to have armory on the roof. The middle cars will hold heavies. In this sense, kids strong enough to man grenade and rocket launchers. That'll be the boys' wrestling team. Light classes will man the outer areas. Meaning the left and right cars will have students with AKs. We should make it through the town and to the safe zone smoothly. The police are most likely handling the situation. Hopefully. So we should have an easier convoy than how we planned it. Sound good?"

"Sounds good Lilly will the metal be-." A flare of light shines through the old window and all the students' attention is attracted to the visual of a searing combustion of fire further down the block.

"Woa, what is that?" a student questions.

"They didn't leave us" Liliana says as she stares out the window. "Tabion lets go. You" she says pointing at a student in attention. "I need you to tell Krystaland Chris they're in charge until we get back. Also tell Sam to meet us outside."

"Yes ma'am" The student runs out of the room and down to the second floor. Liliana and Tabion head to the down floor and walk through the cars surrounding the building. Liliana picks up her pace.

"Lilly please tell me we are not going to see them." Tabion says walking faster.

"They need help and they probably know more about what's happening." Sam runs and catches up to them. "Good be ready for a fight." They all begin running to the source when heavy rain soaked their clothes. Sam licks her finger.

"It's freshwater." They all look up to see a massive bubble of water floating above the town bringing heavy rain fall. It quickly gets smaller and the man in the blue hood can be seen headed towards town hall.

"Looks like we're going to town hall, guys." They run to town and in the distance see four men in red, blue, green and white hoods.

"By what I saw and what I am hearing this same attack is happening around the country. If we can't stop this one town we have no chance in stopping the rest. We need help."

"I bet we can help." Liliana says standing behind the man in the hood.

"No, out of the question you should be evacuated. Why are you here?" Liliana smiles at him.

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