Chapter 9:Extract

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5 months passed since the school shooting, appearance of a new organization and the men in hoods. The police have been getting closer to who this new organization is and who runs it. Liliana, Tabion and Sam have been keeping tabs on the police's progress in these cases. Hase, James, Logan and Manny have stayed in the Coop ever since. They trained to their hearts content. Hase still hears the cries for help by many people. When no one is looking Hase finds the original portal from the mystic world to the real world. He found it broken to pieces but in 3 weeks he repaired it and everyday he answered the cries of help he hears the wind carry.

"Sightings of a 'White shadow' as witnesses describe it, is seen to be helping people worldwide." The news anchor switches to footage of Hase in his cloak helping officers in Iowa with a robbery. Hase was blurry and quick. He was in and out of each scene they showed barely allowing the news crew to see him.

"Finally after months of keeping track of the police we finally know how to get the man in the hoods attention." Liliana says preparing guns in her room. "My mom will be home at four. We need to hide everything in the safe house." Sam takes a sash aligned with scalpels and packs them in the duffel bag on Liliana's bed. Tabion polishes two batons, an iPad and a laptop and packs them in too. Liliana loads 2 Glocks and a Bal 27 and puts the in the bag. She zips up the duffel bag and Tabion puts it around is shoulder.

"We're coming Hase" Liliana says with a smile. They run to their bikes outside and ride outside of the villiage. 6 miles out from the viliage was a dirt road they turned off the highway and rode down the road for 9 more miles until an abandoned house could be seen. The house was dusty brown with the wood decaying and breaking off.

"We'll touch this place up later for now." Liliana says taking the duffel bag and walking inside. "This will just have to do" she says smiling at Sam and Tabion. " Tabion hook up your laptop its full so that should give me and Sam enough time to get the generator working. After a while we can use Sam's dad's old solar panels he tried to use on his scooter."

"You think they will work?" Sam asks raising a brow.

"We'll clean them up and have Tabion take a look." Liliana says confidently.

"We're all hooked up" Tabion says.

"Good there's moniters in the cellar go get them. Come on Sam lets get that generator working." Liliana and Sam run out to the generator out back. They clean it off and look for the problem.

"Okay we need oil and gasoline we should be good otherwise." Sam says observing the generator.

"Got it" Liliana types in the memo on her phone. "Okay let's tell Tabion we have to get oil and gas."

"Kay" Sam and Liliana run back inside to find moniters set up on the table in the living room.

"Nice Tabion you work fast." Sam says checking out the monitors.

"Thanks I do don't I" Tabion says with a smile.

"Okay we'll be back see we need gasoline and oil. 10 miles back right at the turnoff there was a gas station we'll head there and be back. Hook up the signal to the police radio we got and put in on screen that'll help."

"Got it Lily" Tabion says already starting on his job. Liliana and Sam ride off. "Geez why the hell does she have to bark out orders?" Tabion says with a smile as the monitors light up with codes. "Finally we're getting somewhere."

"You need to summon your weapon!" James barks as Hase and Logan spar on an icey terrain. "Hand to Hand and your elemental powers won't always be the answer you need to summon your elemental weapon." Hase jumps high as Logans water whips break the ice beneath him. Logan uses his other whip and wraps it around Hase. He pulls him straight to the ground and in an explosion of Ice chunks Hase crashes through the ice and starts to freeze underwater. He swims to the surface and climbs back onto the ice. Hase takes deep breaths on his hands and knees. He looks up to find Logan standing in front of him. Logan reels his whip back and lashes Hase out of the field.

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