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Bethany Hale.


"Miss Hale, were you at home between 1 am and 3 am?"

"Yes, I was at home, in bed."

"Can you prove that?"

"Of course, just ask my friends, and if you want more proof you can ask my boyfriend who was in bed with me." I tried not to show the fact that I was practically shaking in my seat.

"I see. We have a picture of you here, that you posted last night at exactly 1:03 am."

"So? Just because I posted it at that time doesn't mean I took the picture at that time. It's an old picture I posted it as a throwback."

"You said you were in bed at that time."

"I said I was in bed I didn't say I was asleep."

"Hmm. You didn't hear anything suspicious?"

"No, if I had I would've went out to see what it was and probably call you and not leave my roommate's burnt dead body in the bloody pool."

"Ah. Miss Hale-"

"Can I leave now officer? I have a lot of studying to do, and I just found out my roommate is dead, I have a lot going on in my mind."

"Of course, just don't leave town."

"I wasn't planning on doing that."

I reached outside and searched for one of my friends and when I couldn't find anyone I walked towards our car and saw Lana leaning on Liam's car, arms crossed over her chest and her face was facing the floor.

"Lana?! Hey."

"Beth, hey are you okay? You look really pale."

"I'm fine, it's just." I took a moment to gather my thoughts and calm by heartbeat. "I'm fine."

"What did they ask you?" She asked and I told her.

"Why the hell would you post a photo in the middle of the night?"

"How was I supposed to know that our roommate was gonna end up dead at that time?"

"You didn't lie did you? You really didn't hear anything?"

"I didn't lie and I'm not lying now Lana, if I had heard I would've checked it out, I can't believe you're doubting me you're my best friend for God's sake."

"Okay okay I believe you, I'm just making sure, in situations like this people tend to lie because they think no one would believe them if they say they're innocent."

"I'm not lying. End of discussion." I insisted on that.

"Okay." She nodded.

We waited a bit for the others to come but it took a while. They took us all in questioning at the same time and I didn't know if they were still in or if they left. But they couldn't be that far because the car was still there.

"Did you see the guys?"

"Yeah Colton's out, Liam I don't know."

"Where is he then? Colton?"

"Don't know, don't care."

Not again. I thought. Colton and Lana are always fighting. One minute they're the best of friends and then they're at each other's throats.

"What happened again?" I asked and she told me.

We all know about Colton's crush on Lana, except for Lana, is it because she doesn't want to acknowledge it because she has a boyfriend or she really doesn't know?! We don't know that.
After about fifteen minutes both guys showed up.
Liam was pissed, it was obvious from his expression, without saying a word he got in the car and slammed the door shut.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked Colton once Liam was out of earshot.

"Who the fuck knows, he didn't say a word." Colton said.

"He's being Liam again." Lana sighed and got in the backseat as I got in the passenger seat next to my pissed off boyfriend.

We drove home and no one spoke the whole ride there.


A/N : Anxious to find out why Liam is so pissed after his questioning? Vote, Comment, and Follow then. ❤

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