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She stared at the mirror in front of her, flattened her floral skirt and adjusted the collar of her pink button up shirt. She sighed as her eyes darted back to her reflection. She curled her last piece of hair and put on her lipstick.

Why us? She thought. Why is this happening to us? Why is this happening at all?

She took her pink blazer off her bed and put it on after shaking the idea out of her head.

Suddenly two pairs of hands wrapped around her waist from behind and placed a kiss on the side of her neck. A smile rose to her lips as she realized whose hands it were.

She turned around facing him with a grin and wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his lips.

"I missed you." Liam said.

"You see me everyday." Bethany answered with a confused look, but the smile never left her face.

"I know, but I still miss you. I miss kissing you, holding you in my arms, touching you." He said caressing her cheeks.

"That is..." She trailed off.

"Romantic?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"I was gonna say completely cheesy, but yeah that too." She said making him laugh.

Bethany's phone made a beep, indicating she had received a text. Not a second later, Liam's phone beeped as well. They both exchanged confused looks and unlocked their phones.

"It's a blocked number." Liam said.

"Let's play hide and seek, I'm already hiding, come and find me. -LJ" Bethany read the text out loud.

"Did you guys see this?" Lana said as she and Colton ran into the room.

"Yeah." Liam said.

"Bitch used my initials." She said.

"Who the hell is LJ?" Colton said.

"Lana Jefferson?" Bethany said.

"It's not me!" She raised her voice.

"We know it's not you, but the person who's doing this clearly wants us to think it's you." Colton said.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Bethany asked Liam as they saw him pinching his lips between his fingers and looking straight ahead without blinking. "Liam, what are you thinking?"

"Hang on a sec." He said and opened his bag and got out Jessie's file that someone had clearly put with his stuff for a reason. He flipped to the last page and showed them the initials under the note. "I realized this yesterday but I didn't wanna say anything."

"Realized what?" Lana said.

"The initials, LJ doesn't mean Lana Jefferson it means Louis Jessie. It's just put the opposite way for confusion, accusation, it's a trick." Liam said.

"So this is Jessie doing this?" Bethany asked.

"Who else would it be?" He said.

"I think we should tell Melanie, maybe she's getting these too and she's afraid to say anything." Colton said.

"We'll tell her if we keep getting them. Okay? But first we need to know how Keegan got out." Lana said crossing her arms, annoyed of Colton's interest in Melanie.

"Right. I think we need to prove it's Carla who did it." Liam said.

"How?" Bethany asked.

"We break into the DA office's security cameras." He said.

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