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Liam Martin.


"Mr. Martin, where were you last night between 1 am and 3 am?"

"I am not speaking without my lawyer."

"This isn't an arrest Mr. Martin."

"But you brought us here for questioning without giving us our rights, I'm not giving you any answers until I call my lawyer."

"We're just asking you simple questions. Now, were you or were you not at home?"

"Yes, I was at home."

"Really? Then how come we have a photo of you from a security camera across the street entering your home at 1:56 am? Exactly an hour after Jessie Louis' death, which gives you a perfect amount of time to kill her and dump her body then pretend you were at home the whole time."

"Huh." I chuckled. "You really think I'd be that stupid to kill my roommate and dump her body in our pool? And officer I recall you saying her body was dumped at 2:11 am, how could it be me if you're saying I entered my home at 1:56 am? You should really review your facts before you accuse someone of murder."

"So you're saying that person isn't you in the photo?"

"Perhaps, or maybe it is me, but just not last night."

"I don't think I follow you Mr. Martin."

"I'm saying that maybe the photo has been edited to last night's date to frame us."

"You believe that?"

"I do, we wouldnt be that stupid to kill and dump our roommate's body in our pool."

"Who do you think would do such a thing Mr. Martin?"

"I don't know officer, that's your job to find out, but if I have to guess, I'd say the person who actually did kill her."

"You do?!"

"It's smart, commit the murder and frame it and pin it on her roommates." I said and stood up. "I've already answered many of your questions without a lawyer."

"Where are you going Mr. Martin? We're not done yet."

"You're not, but I am. Next time you decide to drag us here let us know first so we can call our lawyers." I said and opened the door to leave.

"You're smart Mr. Martin. You should really join us once you graduate."

"Thanks. But I already have plans. And I'm a law student if that explains how I figured things out while you couldn't." And with that I left.

I kept walking and walking, bumping into a few people on my way out. My vision was starting to blur, and all the voices around me started to fade away.
Why did I decide to go out? All the fingers are pointing at me, if I go down, my friends are going down with me.
I walked until I felt someone grab my shoulder and turn me around.

"Dude, you okay?" Colton asked.

"I'm fine, let's just go." I said and walked until I reached my car and saw the girls already waiting.

Without a single word I got in the driver's seat and slammed the door shut and waited until the others got in so we could get the hell out of there.


A/N : Do you think Liam has something to do with Jessie's murder? Let me know what you think Vote,Comment and Follow. ❤

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