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The Police Station.

"So Mrs. Louis, you're telling me this just appeared on your front porch?" Detective Josh Herman asked with a curious, yet unconvinced expression.

"Yes." Rhonda Louis said.

"You opened the door and no one was there, but the envelope?" He asked pacing around his office.

Rhonda stood up from her seat, eyes widened, and nose flaring fire from her anger.

"Obviously someone put it there, this is no time for sarcasm detective, I want to know if this is true. It might be someone else's daughter under the ground, and my daughter could be alive."

"Who do you think sent this to your house Mrs. Louis?"

"I don't know."

"Why do you think they sent it?"

"I don't know. That's your job to find out."

"My job is to find out who killed your daughter."

"Find out what this means, and run some other tests, and you may not have to find the killer, because if this is true, then that means my daughter is alive." She threw the envelope on the detevtive's desk and stormed out of the door.

At the House.

"It's been three days." Bethany said.

"Let's not lose hope, I'm sure they'll get on it." Liam said.

"You said when the parents want something the parent get. So far, the parents don't got shit." Lana said.

"What do you want me to do? Go there and make them work on it? They obviously didn't believe it." He said.

"What's not to believe? It's freakin obvious." Colton said.

"Herman thinks it's someone messing with them." Liam said.

And suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"It's open." Bethany yelled as they were all in the kitchen having breakfast.

Few minutes later Melanie came through the door.

"Are you guys coming today afternoon?"

"Coming where?" Colton asked.

"It's Keegan's trial today." Melanie said.

"Oh my God. I totally forgot about that." Lana said.

"Wait how do you know?" Bethany asked.

"Tony's gonna be there, he told me." She said.

"Right. Yeah." Liam added.

After the breakfast, they all left for their classes.

Not one of them were really paying attention.

Bethany was too worried that the police would find out it was them who sent the envelope with the picture. She was feeling guilty already, for making Rhonda feel that way. Lana was drawing sketches but halfway through them she crumbled the piece of paper and threw them away with the rest of the pile, she had no inspiration, all she could think about was the case.

Colton was in the theater, trying to study his new play for the end of the year, he had the script on his lap, but every time he tried to read it, he got stuck with the same first line, and couldn't concentrate to continue. Liam was in the library, papers spread in front of him, trying to solve a case of a fake trial as an assignment for class. But in his mind, he was solving a different trial, a real one.

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