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"Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, Jessie Louis was found in the defendants' residence, the house that she lived in with these four other students, I don't think there should be other reasons to accuse them as the prime suspects of this murder." The prosecutor began her case.

"Objection your honor, my clients have proof that they were in their home at the time of the murder."

"Which is where she was found dead." The prosecutor argued with Tony.

"Sustained." The judge allowed the objection.

"Thank you your honor, the deceased's body was found in the pool of my client's residence, but the place of the murder remains a mystery, so does the murder weapon, my clients have not heard any noise at the night of the murder." Tony began his case.

"Objection your honor, that gives a suspicious reason as to why the defendants never heard anything when a burnt body of a young girl was being drowned in their pool."


"The defendants claim they never heard any noise but they say they have proof of being home."

"Your honor, this is ridiculous, my clients were all home and asleep, it was the middle of the night, they have exams this week, anyone in their shoes would not hear anything as well, the guilty party was obviously very careful."

"Your honor, I've been informed that one of the defendants, Mr. Martin was out of the residence at the time of the murder."



The judge rejected Tony's objection and allowed the prosecutor to explain her case further.
The room was filled with murmurs and the four of them were patiently waiting for the trial to be over, biting their nails, shaking their legs.
The judge ordered silence in the court as the prosecutor continued explaining him the fact that Liam left the house.

"Your honor we have proof of when Mr. Martin left and returned to the residence. If you can just allow us to show the rest of the court."

"Objection your honor."

"Overrule Miss McGory." The judge said.

"I now call Mr. Keegan Matthews on the stand." Tony said.

The four turned around and looked at Keegan who had a surprised look on his face.
He approached the stand after a few moments and took his seat.
Tony asked him when they visited the station with the proof and he answered truthfully. But when he asked him about the footage, Keegan lied and said that they wanted the footage back.

"So you're telling me that my clients asked to get their tapes back?"

"Yes that is what I'm saying. I wanted to keep them but they wanted them back."

"That is odd, your honor I have a video here I would like to show you."

The judge agreed and Tony played the video of the day they took the tapes to the police, and the part where they said to Keegan that he can keep the tapes.

"So you're telling me that isn't you in the video that my clients were talking to?"

Keegan didn't answer.

"So you lied when you said my clients wanted their tapes back?!"

"Yes." Keegan answered his head hanging low.

"No further questions." Tony smirked and took his seat back.

Detective Keegan was speechless he couldn't say anything after being proven lying.
Tony also played the evidence video of the four of them entering their home and the store footage of Liam buying the cigarettes.
They also called all of them on the stand and they testified and told the court the truth that they never left home, and Liam explained why he went out, and why he lied the first time. And Tony explained how Jessie was murdered at 12:56 am and Liam was in the house at that time, and that he left at 1:42 am.

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