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"Alright we still have two hours to search that room ourselves until we go to court. Let's get on it." Liam said running up to Jessie's room.

After the police left, the four put on gloves themselves and started searching their late roommate's room until they found something. They moved around the furniture, searched every little item they could find until one of them really did find something.

"Check this out." Colton said holding up a notebook in his hand.

"What's that?" Bethany asked.

"Jessie's diary."

They exchanged looks as Colton explained that he found it hidden in the wall behind her bed, a place where the police didn't think of searching. They really were doing their job instead of them.
They still had some time left on their hands so they decided to read the diary. At first it talked about how she was happy to have left her town, especially her high school and her friends. She talked about wanting to start a new life here where no one knew her past. She said in the diary that she didn't want to have any friends, because "getting attached to someone will only ruin you in the end" as she wrote. Something bad must have happened with her ex friends the four of them thought as they read it. That explains why she never talked to any of them or let them talk to her and befriend her.

As they continued to read they started noticing something different in each time she wrote, she was talking about someone, someone who she thought she could be friends with who wouldn't ruin her.

"Melanie Mitchell." Colton said. "She met her in one of her classes, she's a sorority girl, she says here that she was nice to her. Jessie was having money problems and Melanie said she could help."

"Why would she do that if they didn't know each other?" Lana asked with a confused expression then told Colton to keep reading.

"Melanie offered Jessie a job which she says she was hesitant at first but then she accepted it because she didn't have a choice."

"What job? Does it say anything?" Bethany asked.

"Not yet." Colton said and flipped a few more pages until his eyes widened and eyebrows shut up.

"What?" Liam asked taking a step towards him.

"Jessie was a prostitute."


"What?" The three of them said.

"Or as she liked to call it, an 'escort'. She worked at guess where?"

When no one answered he continued. "The sorority house. Melanie was the boss, and that's why she offered her the job."

"I can't believe Jessie was a prostitute." Bethany said.

"Escort." Colton corrected in a sarcastic tone.

"She was so quiet and nice and shy. It doesn't make any sense. And why would they hire someone like her?"

"Maybe they were short on staff." Liam joked while Bethany hit him on the shoulder.

"You don't make jokes about a dead person."

"I'm not making jokes about her and besides yes you can it's the only time you can make jokes about them, they're dead they can't do anything about it." He said.

"Don't come crying to me when your ass is haunted."

"Well like she said she needed the money and I guess she was more experienced than we made her out to be. I mean she was also secretive, we never really knew her. Maybe she wasn't that nice and shy after all." Lana said pacing around the room.

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