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There she was, walking towards the entrance of the bed and breakfast. With her long red hair, big black sunglasses hiding half her face, thinking it could hide the guilt, the lies, the secrets, but they could see through it, they could see what was behind it.

Go time. Texted Liam as Colton and Bethany walked towards the exit of the bed and breakfast from the inside and ended up face to face with Carla.

The plan was for Colton and Bethany to wait inside and stop her from going in and if she tried to escape, that's what Liam and Lana were there for. To stop her from going back to where she came from.

"Can I help you?" She asked adjusting her big expensive purse on her arm.

Bethany eyed her up and down, examined her expensive white jeans and pink see through button up shirt, she couldn't help but dart her eyes at her big beautiful silver necklace. Bethany was impressed, she knew how to dress, she had to give her that.

"We were wondering if we could talk to you for a few minutes? Ask you a few questions?" Colton's voice snapped Bethany out of her thoughts.

"I don't think so." She said and turned around to leave but only to get stopped by Liam and Lana staring down at her with their arms crossed.

The plan was working. That's what Liam and Lana were there for.

"Weren't you just going in?" Lana asked sarcastically.

"What do you want?" She asked not even bothering to ask them who they are, which made them sure that she already knows them, and the only way that's possible is through the one and only Jessie.

"How about we get some coffee? This is gonna take a while." Liam said.

Seeing as she doesn't have another choice, Carla sighed and let them escort her to a nearby coffee shop.
Liam got some coffee for everyone as the others sat at a table away from everyone else. He offered Carla a cup but she remained with her arms crossed.

"Suit yourself." He shrugged.

Carla finally took off her sunglasses revealing her devious eyes, eyes that held what they wanted to know.

"What do you want?" She repeated.

"Well first, I thought you should know who we are, I'm Colton-"

"I know who you are, let's cut the crap tell me why you're here." She said slamming her hands on the table.

"Well if you already know who we are you should know why we're here too, but if we're playing that game, then I'm going to say it. Where is Jessie?" Liam asked.

Carla let out a chuckle. "Well I thought you knew she was dead by now, it's all over the news, you guys should know you were accused of killing her."

"Now you cut the crap." Lana said with a sweet yet sarcastic smile. "We know she's alive." She slammed the photo of the body without the birthmark and the photo of her with the birthmark on the table. "Birthmarks don't just disappear."

She swallowed hard, and tried hard not to show that she was panicking, after a few minutes of staring at the photos, she mastered up a fake smile and looked up at them. "So what? Her body was burnt."

"Either you're stupid or blind." Bethany said. "The place of the birthmark is not burnt, and even if it was, they don't make birthmarks disappear."

"Jessie is dead." Carla insisted. "Check my room if you want."

"Then why are you still here?" Colton said. "If Jessie is dead then what other reason you have to stay in town?"

"We know she's alive. Nothing you say will make us believe otherwise." Liam said as they all stood up to leave. "Feel free to keep the photos and show it to her."

And with that they left.


"Well that was a waste of time." Bethany said as they sat down at their local diner and ordered some food.

"No it wasn't." Liam said.

"We didn't get anything out of her." She exclaimed.

"You guys really are oblivious. She practically gave us all we need to know."

The three stared at him with confused expressions until Liam sighed and started explaining to them.

"She's hiding Jessie. We still may not know where but at least we know she is. She said she knew who we were, and the only way that's possible is if Jessie told her. Cause I'm pretty sure she knew we were gonna show up sooner or later and she told her all about us. That's clue number one that Jessie is alive."

"What if she knew about us even before Jessie was dead." Lana said.

"They weren't on speaking terms before she was dead."

"No, but she called her when she found out she was pregnant. Maybe she told her about us then." Colton said.

"But why would she do that she had a lot on her plate, she wouldn't have wasted time telling her about her roommates." Bethany said.

"Unless." Lana said.

"Unless what?" Colton asked.

"Unless she wanted Carla to know about us." Lana said.

"Exactly." Liam said. "Jessie wanted her to know about us. Whatever she was planning on doing it involved us. Maybe that's why we were accused of killing her, that's why Keegan insisted on us being the killer even though they didn't have an ounce of evidence. Carla didn't even hesitate to ask us who we were when we asked to talk to her. She clearly knew who we were, and what we wanted to ask. She answered too quickly."

"She said to check her room, when we said we knew she was hiding her." Bethany said.

"She was bluffing. Clue number two that she is hiding her."

"Alright so how do we find her?" Colton asked.

"We don't. We let her find us." He smirked.


A/N : Hey guys, here's a short chapter for y'all, sorry I haven't been updating, I was out of the country, for 10 days. I've been on vacation in Greece, it was amazing. Apologies for not updating, I promise I will update the next one as soon as possible. Vote, Comment, and Follow. ❤

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