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On Campus.

"Hey." Colton greeted Lana as they saw each other while walking to class.

"Hey." She greeted back.

"You disappeared this morning."

"I had an early class, and I didn't want to wake you."

"You're so-" His sentence was cut short by the chaos that was created behind them.

"What the hell." Lana muttered when they turned around.

Josh Herman was there with his hands in his pockets, and nearly ten officers running around looking for something, or someone.

As they approached him, Bethany and Liam joined them as well.

"What the hell is going on?" Liam asked.

"No idea." Colton replied.

"Detective Herman." Lana walked towards him.

Josh smiled when he saw Lana.

"Miss Jefferson. Good to see you." He said.

"Likewise. What is going on?"

Before he could answer her question, two officers came out of the building each holding onto someone they have grown to know more about than they realized.

"Adam Larson and Jake Walker, you are both under arrest for the murder of Jessie Louis."

The four widened their eyes as they saw the officers taking Adam and Jake to separate cars and handcuffing them. Their jaws dropped and they were speechless.

"Looks like we caught the killers." Josh replied once the officers put them into the cars.

"You think Adam and Jake killed Jessie? Together?" Bethany asked.

"Why?" Colton added.

"I'm sorry I can't discuss that, you'll know soon enough." Josh said and left after buttoning his suit jacket.

"Why did they just arrest Adam and Jake?" Lana said.

"They clearly didn't figure out that Jessie is alive, they thought since Adam raped Jessie and I don't know how they found out about Jake, but they know he slept with Jessie more than once, so they think they both worked together and killed her off." Liam thought out loud.

"We have to know what they think happened. Cause if the police doesn't figure out Jessie's alive. Then I don't know what's gonna happen." Lana said.

At the Police Station.

"So Mr. Larson. Tell me, why did you kill Jessie Louis?" Josh Herman asked.

"For the last time, I didn't kill her." Adam snapped.

"But you did rape her."

Adam's head hung low and he inhaled a frustrated breath.

"That was a mistake, I regret it everyday. It's bad enough I have to live with it, but I didn't kill her. I would never do something like that." He gritted out.

"You raped her Mr. Larson, that's a crime same as murder. If you could so easily rape her, you also so easily could have killed her."

"But I didn't." He slammed his hands on the metal table.

Josh smirked then walked to the door.

"I'll be back. Make yourself comfortable." He said and left.

In another room being held, was Jake. He was sitting on a metal chair, hands entwined on the metal table in front of him. The mirror staring back at him, although he could only see himself in it, there was someone else on the other end staring at him and he knew it.

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