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Telling someone the truth about a murder that they'd been arrested for is not easy. The four of them had to.
Adam and Jake were seated on their couch, patiently waiting for one of them to speak.

Lana was sitting opposite the guys, one leg bopping up and down, pinching her lips with her fingers and eyes focused on the floor.

"Are you gonna talk? Or did you bring us here to stare at us?" Adam said.

"Do you know where Jessie is?" Jake asked next.

"That's why we asked you to come." Bethany said.

And Colton started telling them everything from A to Z. Liam and Bethnay helped him out, but Lana remained quiet.

"If that girl is alive, and we find her, I'm killing the bitch myself." Adam said through gritted teeth and started walking fast towards the door. Only to be stopped by Liam.

"That's not a very good idea." He said.

"Look we can all agree what she did affected all of us, and it was messed up, but we have a chance here, a chance to-" Colton was saying but Jake cut him off.

"Forget it. Tell me you can actually forgive her for what she did and I'll agree on anything." He said.

"I'm not asking you to forgive her."

"I know what I went through in there, I was arrested for her murder when she's not even dead! I was played, tricked, she messed up my life, she ruined it."

"Which is why we want your help. She did it to all of us. Us as much as you. Together we can put a stop to it." Liam said.

"You make it sound like we're the Avengers." Adam said.

"All for a pathetic plan of revenge." Jake shook his head.

"Lana, you've been quiet long enough." Bethany said.

Lana's eyes shut up and she looked at all of them one by one until her eyes landed on Jake. She quickly averted her gaze back to the floor.

"Are you okay?" Colton asked her as she stood up.

Lana nodded with a half smile then walked to the kitchen.

Colton sighed then sat next to Jake on the couch.

"Go." He said.

"Excuse me?" Jake said.

"Just go." He nodded his head as a way of approval.

Jake hesitantly stood up and walked to the kitchen as well. He saw Lana sitting on one of the stools, head facing down and holding it between her hands, like if she let go it would explode.

"Lana." He said.

"I can't help but wonder what would have happened if you hadn't cheated on me." She said then looked up at him.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say anymore."

"She made you cheat on me, I get that, but that doesn't mean you didn't cheat Jake, you cheated. I know she lured you and tricked you into going there, but you had a choice, you could have not gone there, but you did, you're wrong, you made a mistake. Your willpower to cheat was stronger than your willpower to stay loyal. It's easier isn't it? To make a mistake than to make sure you don't." Lana said.

"I know, I get that. But that didn't, and still doesn't change the fact that I love you." Jake said.

"I love you too Jake. But I'm in love with Colton. Ending it with you, and all this, made me realize that."

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