Chapter 1: Nous nous réunissons à nouveau.

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  • Dedicated to Hannah Styles-Clift

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and I smiled widely. "You'll never guess what I did today!"

"What did you do?" Jensen laughed.

I sighed. "You're supposed to guess, silly."

He stuck his tongue out at me and said, "Well, I'm not in the mood for guessing anything right now."

"Fine, I'll just show you, loser," I joked. "Round-off, double-back handspring, backflip, and I stuck the landing! You coming?!" I shouted from 10 feet ahead.

"Yeah, yeah, slow your pace. Remember you can't be too tired tonight."

"I know," I mumbled. Blah blah blah, Jensen, I don't need to hear it. I already know that I can't be too tired before a competition, especially when my floor routine is as complicated as this one is.


My name is Olivia Blake Woodley, and I'm 18 years old. I live with my best friend, Jensen Dean Carter, in his apartment in downtown London. Yes, London, England. Where else? I'm about 5'6", 127.3 pounds, very tan, a natural blonde, though I dye my hair light brown, and I have green or hazel eyes, depending on the weather. My birthday is March 13, 1994, and my life is one big jumbled mess of complicatedness (yes, I know that's not a word. Just roll with it?)

I absolutely love singing, but I have stage fright, so I know I'll never be able to pursue a career in singing, unlike my old best friend, Harry. I will say this once, and only once: Harry Styles was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Too bad he got famous and ditched me.

I think I know what you're thinking, but nothing ever happened between Harry and I in any way, other than being best friends since we were 4 years old. He lived a block away from the group home I lived in, and we spent all of our time together. Up until he left to audition for The X-Factor.

Most of my past is a blur, but I remember absolutely every day I spent with Harry: I kept falling deeper in love with him, but I knew he'd never love me back.

I have no real family, as far as I know. All I was ever told is that I was a mistake; no one wanted me.

I grew up in Holmes Chapel, practically living with the Styles family. Gemma always acted like my big sister, and Anne treated me like her own child. That was the one place I felt loved. I felt like I mattered. Until Harry left.

No one back home knows why I left. Probably because I didn't want people to know why. I never told anyone at all, and I planned on keeping it that way. My life was going well, and I liked everything exactly how it was.


Jensen and I made our way onto the field in the park, and there were very few people there. There was an old couple on a bench feeding birds and a small group of guys sitting on the grass. Perfect.

I ran forwards about 10 feet and began to pull off my new gymnastics moves. When I finished, I was a little wobbly, but I wasn't dead, so I was okay. I heard a little clapping and cheering from the group of boys behind me, who were closer than I thought, and I turned around to thank them.

"Thank you very--" I cut myself off at what I saw. "Oh my God!"

"I know, we're One Direction. You must be a fan," a voice said.

"Yeah, yeah, get over yourself, Louis. Sure, I'm a fan, but I'm more than that." I stared straight at Harry when I said the last part.

He cocked his head to one side and asked, "Do I know you? You look really familiar."

"You kidding me, cupcake?" I asked.

His jaw dropped immediately and he walked a little closer to me. "Blake?"

"Don't. Call. Me. Blake. My name is Olivia," I said through gritted teeth.

"You two know each other?" Liam questioned.

"Yeah," Harry mumbled, looking me over.

"That's all you have to say? Jesus, Harry, you're an even bigger jerk than I remembered. Then again, what do I remember? After the car crash, I forgot 4 damn years of my life. You didn't even bother calling to make sure I was okay. Did Mum not tell you I was in the hospital for a year?"

He shook his head, but before he could say something, Niall asked, "Mum? Are you guys related or something?"

"Used to be best friends. Now? I couldn't care less if you almost died of cancer," I whispered, conjuring memories of my near-death experience from a year ago. A few tears formed in my eyes, but I quickly brushed them away.

"What are you talking about, babe?" Harry asked, confusion evident in his voice.

"Why the hell do you care? You don't care about me, so why would you care that I had cancer?"

"What?!" he yelled.

"You heard me," I lowered my voice. "I had this brain tumour, and it got worse and worse, until I needed a huge surgery, which I still owe Mum for. I'm just shocked that she didn't tell you." He looked hurt by what I said, and I just backed up slowly and said, "It was a pleasure to meet you guys, but I've gotta get outta here. Now." I started to jog away, until someone got a strong grip on my wrist causing me to stop abruptly. "What do you want, Harold?"

He wiped a tear off my cheek and whispered, "I want to know what I did to make you hate me."

I scoffed and said, "That's not even a question."

"Fine. How's this: Why the hell do you hate me so damn much?"

"BECAUSE YOU ARE A JACKASS! Is that any clearer?"

"Not really."

"Okay. The reason I hate you so much is because we were practically siblings, but you never realized how much you meant to me. You don't understand that... never mind."

I tried to turn around and leave, but he only tightened his grip on my wrist. "I don't understand what?"

"Why do you care?"

"Just tell me."

"Why should I?"

"Because YOU brought it up, thank you very much!"

"Because I was in love with you, okay?! You happy now?" I screamed at him, my voice cracking, tears threatening to spill over.

He loosened his grip on me and I pulled away, walking in the opposite direction of Jensen. I pulled out my phone and texted him. 

-goin 2 Starbucks. meet u at home in 30. ok??-

He replied a minute later. 

-okay be safe love-

I smiled and shoved my phone back I'm my pocket. Harry followed me close behind, and he tried to get me to talk to him, but I kept ignoring him.

"Babe, I have to tell you something."

"Don't call me 'babe'. Don't even talk to me. I hate you, Harry."

"But you just--"

"Used to! I used to love you! But you were too damn stupid to realize it! Don't even remind me of Leila."

"Who?" Louis asked. "What the hell is going on here?"



Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! It's my first story ever, so it isn't amazing, but it's better than nothing. I'm hoping to update again soon, so I can get this story moving. I have plenty of ideas up my sleeve.


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