Chapter 9: Je Vous Ai Manqués

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Danielle's POV

My date with Niall went smoothly, but he didn't ask me to be his girlfriend... oh well. I was actually at the boys' flat, watching the awards of internationals, and we were excited to see how Olivia did. What didn't come as a shock was that she got first place on floor. We had seen that routine on the telly, and it was absolutely perfect. Next was the vault awards, and she ended up with second. I had seen that, too, and her landing had been a bit shaky. What surprised me the most was that she ended up with first on beam, which had always been one of her struggles in gymnastics. Finally was bars, and Louis and I had watched this one together, I had noticed one part where her posture slipped, and she also had a shaky landing there, too. She won the medal for over-all achievement as well, and I was really proud of her, as were the other boys. "I told you she'd be amazing," I told the guys, and they nodded.

"And she'll be back in two days," Louis said happily.

We all looked at him, and I laughed, "Lou, you don't get how cute it is that you're so in love with her."

He replied with a wink, "I can say the same about you and Niall."

I felt myself blush as I said, "We're not together, you know..."

"But you want to be," Harry smirked.

"Shut up, Haz, or I will follow through on my threat and shave off all your precious curls."

He fake-gasped and looked at me in shock. "You wouldn't."

"Oh, but I would." No, I wouldn't! Every single Directioner out there would hate me and would blame me for making Harry look like an awkward, naked mole rat. BUT I had to play it off like I would. The only other thought in my head was, 'Thank God Niall's not in the room.' It would be weird if he was.

Zayn commented, "Whether you admit it or not, you like Niall."

Liam finished, "And we all know you'll end up together."

When I most need Olivia, she's halfway around the world. That's just my luck.


Olivia's POV

"I'll miss you two!" I said to my new friends, Melissa and Indie.

"Same to you, girl!" said Indie, giving me a tight hug.

Melissa smiled as she hugged me, and she whispered, "I'm really gonna miss you."

I stepped back from her and nodded. "I know. You guys will have to fly out to see me then! I'm sure Jensen wouldn't mind if you guys stayed with us." Once I wrapped things up with them, I was on the plane--and sleeping. When I landed in Heathrow, I looked around the baggage claim and searched for anyone I knew. Once I had gotten my bags, I heard my name being called, and I turned around to see Harry waiting for me. I picked up my pace and tackled him into a hug. "I missed you, Cupcake!"

"I missed you, too," he chuckled, ignoring the nickname for once. "Lou was going to come get you himself, but he actually fell asleep, so you can sort of surprise him."

"Sounds like him."


Harry's POV

Olivia talked about her trip the whole way back to our flat, not that I minded. She was so happy to have done so well, but also to be home. I could tell she was anxious to see Louis, which wasn't shocking. It also wasn't shocking that, when they saw each other, they wouldn't let go of each other. It had been a week, yet they were acting like it had been years. I was happy for them, but part of me was still jealous. I didn't think that would ever change though, unless I somehow got over her. I guess it was possible, but it was so hard because I had liked her for so long. I really felt bad about it because they were both my friends and I didn't want my friendship to end with them, nor their relationship to end because they were happy. That's all that matters, isn't it? Well, that should be all that matters in this situation. I should just be happy that they're happy.

And that's what I'm going to try to do.


Author's Note:

Hey guys! I'M NOT DEAD... completely.

I've just been super busy or sick or stressed. I've also been hit by cars and in car crashes, but nothing TOO bad. Just minor injuries... sort of.

Update on the school life: I'm a freshman now! Well, I have been for almost 5 months, but still. This is my first update on this account as a freshie. School's great, I get to see my crush there every day cos he works there... my best friends are amazing (these twin brothers [gorgeous!] and my own twin... yeah, not all twins are actually besties, but we are). I'm also the favourite student in the whole school by pretty much all of the staff.

Update on the love life: I have a hopeless crush on a 20 year-old, and even though he almost kissed me, it just wouldn't work. Things aren't really awkward between us anymore, but he's on tour so I'm texting him all day every day until he gets back. He's not with his band though, he's filling in for the drummer for another band we're close to. Right now they're in Colorado, and they actually locked him out in the snow... eventful.

Next update: I actually think I'm going to discontinue this story, as well as the others on this account. Either that or I'm putting them on a super long hiatus. I have to focus on school and work, which is really hard when all I can think about is updating. I'll let y'all know when I've decided.

Video: On the side is one of my favourite songs by Empty Spaces, my crush's band... just cos I could.

Picture: Louis when he died his hair red forever ago <3

Love you guys so much, thanks for reading!

~Sarah xox

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