Chapter 4: Patinage Sur Glace et Crème Glacée

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  • Dedicated to Rachel Kendrick

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Louis and I stepped out onto the ice together while I told him why the lady at the counter knew me so well.

"So you used to be a figure skater?"

"Yep. That's why I have these skates that cost a fortune and a half."

"Were you any good at skating?"

"I won some competitions, but I wasn't great. How about you? Can you skate well?"

"Of course I can," he said.

"Mhmm, well, can you do this?" I dropped his hand and skated towards the centre of the rink. I did a pirouette quickly and I moved back towards him. "Huh?"

"That was great, but I can't do that. Anything else you'd like to show me?"

"Mmm well there was this one one thing I could do since I was 7, and everyone thought it was pretty cool." I backed up and started to spin faster, until I brought my leg up in front of me and began to raise it higher. I brought it up to my head and kept spinning until I finally slowed down a bit, and I crossed my arms as I stopped and skated backwards towards him. His hands snaked around my waist, and I smiled up at him. "So?"

"Amazing, but I'd never be able to do that. But you know what I can do?"


"Yes, but also this." I saw him lean in towards me and his lips pressed against mine. I brought my arms up around his neck and kissed back. It wasn't a very long kiss, but it was sweet. The reason we broke apart was because he lost his balance and fell backwards, so I landed on top of him.

I sprung up quickly and offered him a hand. He took it, not letting go after he stood up. We skated around for a bit, until I ran into someone I knew. "Cam?"

"Olivia! Haven't seen you around lately," she said as I hugged her.

"Yeah, busy with gym. Anyways, this is Louis, my boyfriend," I told her, admiring the title.

"Aren't you in that band, One Direction?" she asked, holding out her hand for him to shake.

"Yeah," he said, shaking her hand.

"Cool, I'm Cameron. Oli and I used to train together. Anyways, congrats on internationals! And Sky was talking about you again the other day."

"Seriously?" She nodded, and I glanced at Louis, who was very confused. "Sky our old trainer. Total creeper, he liked me. Speak of the freak," I motioned to a guy approaching us.

"Hey, Olivia."

"Hey, Skywalker. Miss me?"

"Not really. I got my own girl."

I felt laughter build up inside of me, but I contained it. "Who the hell would go out with you?" Cam dropped her gaze to her skates and my eyes widened. "No way! You two finally go together! Thank God!"

Sky spoke up and said, "You're the one who finally got their first boyfriend! Moved on, I see?"

"First boyfriend?" Louis asked. I nodded and he put his arm around me. "Well don't I feel special!"

"Well if you ever wanna come back and skate, the team needs you. Pretty much everyone left when you did."

"I'll think about it."

"Okay, good luck in internationals," he said. "Later."

They skated away and I turned so I was facing Louis. "That was..."

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