Chapter 6 (part 3): Je Serai Parti, ce Soir Disparu.

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Here's the last part of the chapter! Sorry for making you guys wait so long! xx


Harry's P.O.V.

We stopped by Olivia's flat so she could grab a change of clothes, since she was staying the night with us. When we got back home, she made her way in anxiously and sat on the couch and started talking to Niall about what sounded like shoes. "Hey, mate. Could I talk to you for a minute?" Louis asked as I walked by.


He pulled me to the side and quickly asked, "Do you know why she used to hurt herself?" I nodded hesitantly, and he sighed in both relief and frustration. "Okay. Um... she told me about how you met... is there anything you were keeping from her? Like, you said she looked familiar when you first met after the... accident. Do you happen to remember how?"

I was hesitant to respond, because I had indeed remembered how I had met her. My mum, Gemma, and I had been at the park, and I accidently knocked her over. We spent a lot of time at the park after that, until the crash. I knew her for 3 months, and then she was gone. A year later, she showed up again, and we became best friends. Sadly, I've been keeping all of this from her the whole time. "Yeah," I nodded slowly, "I remember."

He grinned. "You should tell her, then, and anything you remember about the past."

"I will soon," I assured him, and we made our way to the living room, where she and the boys were now seated on the floor in a circle. "Let me guess, truth or dare?" They nodded. "Of course."

"So unexpected," Louis said sarcastically as he plopped down next to Olivia, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. She whispered something in his ear, and he nodded as he slowly stood up and went to the kitchen.

"Always hungry," I teased as I sat on the other side of her. "Anyway, you don't know our rules, do you?"

"Not a clue," she smiled.

"There aren't many, other than you can't play with us unless you have completed every dare in the past, even the insane ones," Zayn explained.

She snapped her gaze towards me, and my eyes widened. "I, um, forgot about that rule... can we ignore it?" I asked the boys.

"Nope. Rules are rules," Liam stated.

"Just this once?" I pleaded.

"Nah. What dare could one of you have that's that bad anyway?" Niall retorted.

"This one..." Blake trailed off as she briefly pressed her lips to mine. As she pulled away, we heard a crash coming from the kitchen. "And this is why you guys are idiots." She stood up and made her way into the kitchen as fast as she could without falling.

"Shit," I muttered as I stared at the ground.


Olivia's P.O.V.

I walked into the kitchen to see a fuming Louis staring at the wall. "Babe?" I asked softly, trying to get his attention. He ignored me, so I walked closer and saw a tear running down his cheek. "Louis?"

"What?" he coldly asked.

"That wasn't what you think," I tried to explain.

"Oh, it's exactly what I think. It was my own best mate and girlfriend kissing."

"But... the rule was that... the dare..."

"I don't care about the rule! You could've gotten out of it if you had explained it!" he spat.

"Look, I know it was a mistake, but--"

"Yeah, you screwed up, and I know you're sorry, but if you really loved me, you wouldn't have done it."

He did NOT just say that. "You don't believe that I love you?" I whispered, and he looked at the ground, not responding. "You know what? I'm done with this shit. You said you loved me, and if you really did, you'd get over it! It was one stupid dare. You can go thank your friends for that! The kiss didn't mean anything to me or Harry, and we're both really sorry! If you had been in there to prevent it, everything would be so much better. But, seeing as you weren't, it's all my fault. Yeah, I know it's my fault that you weren't in the room, but it's not my fault that you don't believe me when I say I love you. Present tense. Even though you're being a stupid, dense jerk right now, I still love you, cos that's what love is. Loving them no matter what. Clearly you don't understand that." I took a deep breath before saying, "See you around, I think." I spun on my heel, grabbed my clothes and my phone, and dragged Harry out the door, saying, "Take me back home."

"You can't be on your own, though," he countered.

"Back to Holmes Chapel. It's only for a few days, just so things can blow over."

"If you insist," he said as he started the car.


A few hours later, we pulled up at his childhood home, and we raced to the front door. I knocked a few times, and I heard a tired voice yell, "Who the hell is it?"

"Your 2 favourite people on earth!" I called.

The door swung open and I was swept into Gemma's arms immediately. "I missed you! Why haven't you come around lately?"

"Busy," I said simply as I pushed past her and walked up the stairs, towards Harry's old room.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Don't wanna talk about it," I murmered as I plopped down on his bed and pulled the covers over my head. "Don't care if you explain it, Harry."

And he did. From the injury, to the fight with Louis, to being here. Everything.

"I'm going to knock some sense into him next time I see him," Gemma said quietly, and I giggled.

"I'm still awake, y'know."

"Yeah," she said. "Get some rest, okay? Both of you." With that said, she left the room and went back to her own, warm bed.

Soon I felt someone lay down beside me in the small bed and wrap their arms around me. Harry kissed my forehead and whispered, "I'm sorry about everything that happened today."

"It's fine," I mumbled as I snuggled into his bare chest.

"Goodnight, Blake."

"Nighty-night, Cupcake."


Louis' P.O.V.

"I'm such an idiot," I muttered to Liam, who was done scolding me about over-reacting and had moved on to comforting me.

"Yeah, you are," he started, "but I can't say it shocked any of us."

"Gee, you're so kind," I said as I stood up. "I'm going to bed, guys."

"Goodnight, Lou," they chorused, and I walked up the stairs.

I tugged of my jeans and shirt, leaving me in just my boxers. All I could think about as I cried myself to sleep was, I'm stupid, and I deserved it.


Author's Note

Happy Thanksgiving! Or as I like to say, Happy Turkey Day! R.I.P. millions of turkeys who lost their lives to be on our dinner tables tonight.

Anywho, aww! I was crying while I wrote this, and as sad as it made me to do this to them, I needed to! You'll see why later. So, this was the last part of chapter 6, and I'm already working on chapter 7, so no need to worry.

The gif on the side is what really had me in tears... God, I can't stand seeing any of the boys sad or crying! Love them all so much.

Okay, that's it for tonight. Stay safe, lovelies, and have a very happy Thanksgiving! Be sure to think about what you're thankful for this year. I know I'm thankful for my house, my family, my school, my clothes, my music, my ability to sing, and my best friend on earth. Without her, I almost guarantee you I wouldn't be around any longer. Love you sooooooo much, babe!


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