Chapter 3: Che Cosa Siamo?

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Please read the author's note at the end! I beg of you!


I woke up to the sound of someone yelling, "Olivia Blake Woodley! Get your cute ass out of bed right now! You're gonna be late for gym!"

My eyes shot open and I flung the covers off of me. I stripped and threw a pair of denim shorts and a peach-coloured lace top in my bag, along with water and a snack. I pulled on a pair of black TOMS and ran into the kitchen with my bag, pulling my hair up in a messy bun. "Damn it J! It's 7:47! Couldn't you have woken me up?"

"Nah, you needed to sleep. By the way, you were on the news," he said nonchalantly.

"What? Why?"


"Huh?" I asked again, confusion evident in my voice.

"Here," he said, sliding his laptop in front of me.

I quickly read an article about Louis Tomlinson and a mystery girl at Starbucks yesterday, not even mentioning my name. "So?"

"Look at the picture."

I scrolled down and my jaw dropped. "What the hell?" Before my eyes sat a picture of Louis and me kissing.

"I had the same reaction. What was that?"


"Lies! You like Louis."

"Maybe, maybe not. What does it matter anyways?"

"You actually like someone! Thank God!"

"And? I was in love with Harry, but we both know how that ended."

"And? They're 2 different people. You can't compare them."

"Blah blah blah. I'm late! Leila is soooooo gonna kill me!"

"Then get outta here!" Jensen joked.

"I will! Adios!" I shouted as I ran out the door.


I burst through the door of the gym at 8:08, and I collided with Leila again. "I am sooooooooooo sorry I'm late again! My alarm didn't go off, and--"

"You didn't tell me the guy was Louis Tomlinson!"

"I didn't think it mattered," I retorted.

"Well it does! I'm so jealous! Are you two dating?"

"No! We just met, like, yesterday."

"But you kissed."


"How was it?"

"I don't know! Can I just work on my next routine?"

"Fine! Here," she handed me a paper explaining what I was doing, when, and where.

"Oh my God! No freaking way!" I re-read the paper a few times and took in what it said. "I'm competing in America?"

"Yep! I told my friend who knows this guy who has connections about how you always get perfect scores and that you were amazing at everything, and wha-lah!"

"I'm representing all the women gymnasts in the whole damn city?" She nodded and I threw my arms around her. "Thank you soooo much!"


I skipped out of the locker room after I changed and I waved to Leila as I left. I couldn't stop smiling, I was so excited. All of a sudden, a thought hit me: I promised I'd call Louis last night! I pulled my phone out and dialed his number.

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