Chapter 5: Aïe, ça devait faire mal!

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Hello again, my lovelies!! To save you time, I have the translations of everything written next to them this time... my friend was complaining about having to use Google Translate to look up the French. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!


I woke up at 7:38 to my phone ringing. Without checking the caller I.D., I grogilly answered the phone. "Bonjour?" (Hello?)

"Bonjour, Blake." (Good Morning, Blake.)

"Harry, une seconde." (Harry, one second.) I flung the covers off and walked into the living room. "Bon, quoi de neuf?" (Okay, what's up?)

"Eh bien, pour commencer, Gemma m'a appelé et m'a demandé si je savais ce qui s'est passé le jour de votre, et j'ai dit que je n'avais aucune idée, alors elle devrait appeler bientôt. Aussi, je voudrais savoir ce que vous étiez tous les deux jusqu'à. Louis est assommé. Soin d'expliquer?" (Well, for starters, Gemma called me up and asked if I knew what happened on your date, and I said I had no clue, so she should be calling soon. Also, I'd like to know what you two were up to. Louis is knocked out cold. Care to explain?)

I laughed and joked, "Il m'a mise enceinte!" (He got me pregnant!)

"Qu'est-ce?" (What the hell?) Harry half-shouted. "Je jure que je vais--" (I swear I'm gonna--)

"Détendez-vous, je ne plaisantais! Nous venons de glace patiné et pissed off Jensen." (Relax, I was only kidding! We just ice skated and pissed Jensen off.) I heard him chuckle on the other end, and I quickly said, "Je dois être à la salle de gym en 15 minutes ou Leila va me tuer. Ne rien faire trop stupide sans moi!" (I have to be at the gym in 15 minutes or Leila's gonna kill me. Don't do anything too stupid without me!)

"Je ne peux pas garantir que!" (I can't guarantee that!) he yelled. "Adieu, petite fille." (Goodbye, baby girl.)

"Rendez-vous, le grand frère." (See you, big brother.) I hung up, changed for gym, ate an apple, and grabbed my bag on the way out the door.


I JUST WANTED TO SAY, I'm actually in school right now. I know I'm gonna get in trouble for writing during class, but I love you guys too much to not update! Plus, I have a ton of amazayn ideas right now ;) Je t'aime, mes flocons de neige! (Et non, je ne suis pas désolé, je n'ai pas traduit cette partie.)


After 4 hours of working on my new routine with Leila, I was starving. As I was walking home, I was knocked to the ground by someone running by.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there," said an adorable Irish accent as they pulled me to my feet.

"Hey, Niall," I said, happy to see him.

"Oh, Olivia! What's up?"

"Just taking a lunch break. I worked for 4 1/2 hours on my routine today, and I'm super hungry and tired. How about you?" I asked him.

"Needed some space. Got a headache cos Harry and Louis won't shut up," he informed me.

I nodded. "Harry is too loud. It took me a pretty long time to get used to it, but I had to. Him, Anne, and Gemma are really my only family. Anyways, wanna hang out? I'm a lot quieter than Harry and Louis, when I need to be."

"Yeah, that'd be cool. Where do you wanna go, and what do you wanna do?"

"I don't care. As long as I can relax, I'm up for anything. What do you say?" He just shrugged and I groaned. "I hate making decisions." I thought for a few moments, discussed some ideas with him, and decided to go back to my flat to chill.

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