Chapter 2: Spiegazioni

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  • Dedicated to Apple Juice

I laughed as Louis talked to me from across the table at Starbucks. I had explained to the guys what Harry and I were talking about, and he said I needed to relax and think, so he came with me to Starbucks. I ordered a Grande Java Chip Frappucino, and Louis insisted on paying for my drink. I reluctantly let him, especially since I barely knew him. I giggled as he told me all about their time on The X-Factor, their upcoming tour, and all about his life and family. I was beginning to like Louis... as a friend, of course. Right?

"Can I tell you a secret?" he asked me.

"Um, sure? I mean you barely know me..."

"Well, yeah, but I think you need to know this," he said in a serious tone.

"I'm all ears."

He took a deep breath, then said, "Harryisstillinlovewithyouandhenevermeanttohurtyou."

"What? Slow down."

He smiled a little and said, "Harry is still in love with you and he never meant to hurt you."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "If he loved me he would've told me he was leaving, or he would've called or visited or SOMETHING. There is absolutely no way that prick is in love with me."

"Sorry, love, but he is. I mean, I can see why."

I blushed a little and took a sip of my drink. "Why's that?"

"Well, putting aside the fact that you're hot, you're really nice, funny, smart, athletic, and I can tell you have a lot of important secrets."

"Thanks, and you're right. I do have a lot of important secrets, none of which I plan on telling you," I told him, poking his nose.

"And why's that?" he asked, mimicking my voice.

I laughed and said, "Because I barely know you. How do I know I can trust you?"

"Because you can trust me with anything. I have plenty of secrets, too. Each time you tell me one, I'll tell you one."

I thought about his offer. It was a great was to get to know him, and then he'd know me better. "Okay," I nodded.

"You start," he told me.

"Mmmm... Well, I'm a virgin." He laughed when I said this. "What? Is that a bad thing?"

"Not at all, just shocking. But, I respect that. Don't let anyone try to tell you that's bad."

"Thanks," I smiled.

After a few minutes of secrets, we were both smiling like idiots, and it was my turn again. I took a deep breath and looked toward my lap. "I think I like you."

I looked up at him and a serious look spread across his face. "Really now?"

I nodded slowly and began to explain. "Well, I'm not too sure why, but there's just this feeling... I used to get it whenever I was around Harry, and, well... I just like you. I mean, I don't know why, but--"

I was cut off by a soft pair of lips gently touching mine. When we pulled away, I smiled and blushed uncontrollably. "What was that for?"

Louis grinned and said, "You talk too much. Plus, I like you, too."

"Harry is going to kill us. Specifically you."

"Why wouldn't he kill you, too?"

"You said he's in love with me. He wouldn't kill me. Just you."

"Then we don't have to tell him we like each other."

"He knows when I'm lying or keeping a secret. He'll see right through it."

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