Draco Becomes a Deatheater

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The next day I went to Digon alley with Snape to get my supplies. Father was pleased that I passed my O.W.L.S. but he barely showed it considering he was still mad at me. I was shopping for my books when I heard Harry's voice. I turned my head and saw him Hermione and Ron walking into the Wesley brothers shop. Snape didn't seem to be paying much attention to me so I ran into the store looking for my friends. I looked around till I saw Hermione and Ginny at the love potion fountain. "Hermione, Ginny!" I yelled out and they crushed me in a hug. "Oh I missed you guys." Harry and Ron then hugged me too. "Its been a long time Nemissia I sure do miss having you as my neighbor." Harry said as I pulled him into another hug. "How... how are my grandparents, even though they lost their memories are they still okay?" He nodded but I could tell he was lying. I gave him a look and he gave in. "They're both in a senior home and somebody else moved into your old house." I breathed a breath of relief glad to know they were still alive. We then went back outside and I was walking with them down the road when I was pulled away by Snape. "What are you doing your father will not be happy if he see's you with Harry, you're supposed to be with me at the ceremony for Draco come on." He pulled me into a little shop and Draco was there with his mother. My father then came through black smoke and he walked towards Draco not even looking at me. He then showed Draco the vanishing cabinet and then he took Draco's arm. He was about to put the dark mark on his arm when I watched as the werewolf man closed the curtains. I then looked back at Draco and the dark mark appeared on his forearm. My father then held out his hand to me and I took it holding my stuff for Hogwarts. We soon landed back in Malfoy manor and he walked to the front room not speaking to me. (God was he really that mad at me?) I walked up stairs and put my things on my dresser then I went down to the front room. My father was sitting in the armchair watching the fireplace again and he seemed like there was something bothering him. "Father I...
"Did I say you could join me in here?" He asked and I felt my heart break, it was like he didn't want me around. I took a breath and walked to him anyway. I then got in front of the fireplace bowing my head and sat on my knees not even caring that he was still upset with me. I was his daughter and I wanted him to give me attention, I wanted him to go back to being the father that wanted me around. Lately before the whole killing thing he would barely spend time with me when I refused to do things I didn't like doing. But I wanted my father right here, right now. I decided that maybe he would listen to me if I spoke in parseltounge. "Father please I'm only just a child, you can't expect me to have it in me to kill without hesitation." He stayed silent and gripped the arms of the chair really hard. "You can't ignore me forever, I'm your daughter I thought I meant something to you but I guess I was wrong."  I finished my sentence and got up ready to run to my room and cry when he stopped me by grabbing my hand with my back turned to him. I could swear I could hear him gulp and I turned my head slightly to see a tear leaving his eye. Everyone may think my father is a heartless retch, but they would rethink that if they saw him right now. He pulled me down and I was sitting on his lap, he then squeezed me against his chest and I closed my eyes happy to get his attention. "I didn't realize how hard it must have been for you to kill I simply thought that since you were already loyal to me that you would do anything for me but I guess I was pushing you too hard; I had forgotten that you are still just a child and that what you need is a father not a master." We stayed like that the rest of the night and I ended up falling asleep on his lap while he held me.

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