prison break

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The holidays soon arrived and I went to the Malfoy manor to meet up my father. He was sitting in front of the fireplace when I approached him. "Hello father." He turned his head and then stood up and walked to me taking me in his arms. He then pulled away and held out a Christmas present for me. I tore off the wrapping and opened a box to find a snow globe inside. The snow globe had a silver crescent moon inside sitting on a stand when I shaked it a little it was enchanting to see the fake falling over the moon. "Do you like it?" My father asked me and I looked at him and nodded my head he took it from me and put it on the shelf. "Go and get ready we'll be leaving soon to Azkaban so you can fulfil the task I have given you." I walked up to my room and dressed myself in black and tied a cloak around my neck. I then walked down stairs and my father stood there holding out his hand to me. I took my father's hand and we turned into smoke flying through the sky to Azkaban. My father flew us to the top of the tower of Azkaban. I felt fear creep up inside me as I looked around. It was definitely a nightmare especially with the dementors flying around. I realized my father had put a concealment spell on us so we would be hidden. "Now prove yourself to me Nemissia use your powers and bring my followers to me." I took a breath and let my power build inside me rising me above the ground in swirling colors of the elements. I then broke the cells open and used air to bring out my father's followers. I fell in exhaustion and my father pulled me up to my feet looking at him. "Well done now turn around and receive my mark as your reward." I did as told and took off my cloak and exposed my back. I then felt my father's wand touch my skin and felt the stinging of the mark forming on my back. Unlike my father's followers I was to receive his mark on my back once he decided my training was over to show everyone just how special I was. My father pulled back and I exhaled when the pain ended. I then felt him put my cloak back over my shoulders and I turned to him tying the cloak around my neck. He took my hands in his and smiled an evil grin. "I always knew you'd be just like me in time." His face then changed into confusion and he looked down at my left hand and saw the engagement ring from Seamus. I hadn't realized that in the process of using my powers I had accidentally taken off the concealment spell I had over the ring. He pulled my hand closer his eyes and examined the ring on my finger. He then looked at me and I could see he was pissed. "Why do you have an engagement ring on your finger and not the ring that was put on you when I betrothed you to Draco?" I stayed silent knowing that I was in for it and that I would have to tell him about all my secrets. He grabbed me by my hair and we went back to Malfoy manor.

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