My Welcome Back

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My father had barely spoke to me since he found out I had been shutting him out of my mind. The bruise on my eye had healed just a bit but there was still a purple mark under my eye. A letter from professor Dumbledore had been sent to me and I was finally allowed to come back. I had missed out on more than just a weekend. I ended up being suspended for almost a whole month because it took a while for the whole thing with the fight to blow over and also what happened with Katie.  By  Monday December 20th I arrived back at Hogwarts. When I entered through the doors all of the students stared at me as I walked through the halls to the Slytherin common room. When I walked through the door Draco attacked me with a hug. "God I missed you it was so boring without you around and I need your help with the next test on the vanishing cabinet tonight during slugghorn's Christmas party." I pulled from him and gave him a frown. "I'm gonna have to decline Draco I was invited to slugghorn's Christmas party." He looks at me upset and huffs. "Look Draco you can still do it yourself I'm sure you'll figure it out without me." He gave me a glum look and then sighed in defeat. "So who are you gonna take with you to the party since I'm gonna be busy?" I started to think; I knew I couldn't take Seamus not when I had to make it look like me and hated each other. "I'll probably just go alone because pretty much everyone in this school hates me for who my father is." I then go up stairs and unpack my stuff from my bag of things I had taken with me. I then headed to the great hall and everyone was eating. I looked around and saw Harry Ron and Hermione. They waved at me and I waved back. I walked over to Harry and he hugged me. "I missed you hey how about you meet me and Hermione in the library there's things we need to talk about." I nodded my head then sat down at the Slytherin table. Later on in the library Harry had explained to me that apparently Lavender and Ron have started dating after the Quittish game and Hermione is super jealous. "I was going to take Ron with me to the Christmas party and now I've had to make another choice." I then got pulled away and my eyes were covered until we were hidden. Then when my eyes were uncovered I saw it was Seamus. "Seamus you scared me." He laughed at that and I playfully smacked his arm. "What are up to?" I asked and he took my hands. "I know you can't take me to slugghorn's Christmas party but I want you to meet me at the water fountain after the party k I have a big surprise for you and I'm so sorry that I didn't try to help you when you got in that fight how's your eye?" I put up my hands to slow him down. "Too many questions at once Seamus,one thing at a time." He laughed and I hugged him for a while. "See you after the party." I then kissed on the cheek and went to find Hermione and Harry.

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