My Talk With Aragon

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After the incident with Draco and Harry we had all decided that the book must be where Harry can never find it. While him and Ginny hid the book I walked out to the forbidden woods. I hadn't gone back in since year three when me and Wormtail had to fight each other. But at this moment I was feeling drawn to something in the woods. As I walked further I could hear whispering and I saw Aragon. The giant spider from year two. His children were all around him and he looked to be on the brink of death. Instead of his children attacking me they allowed me to walk near their father. "I had hoped you would hear me and find your way here." He breathed slowly while I stood still unsure what to say. "Why did you call me here Aragon?" "Because you Nemissia are in grave danger, I know who's child you are and what he has done to you since you've been with him."
"How do you know what I've been through?"
"My spider spies are everywhere and it's time you learned the truth; have you ever wondered why the dark Lord couldn't sense that you were his daughter, or why your mother died from a heart attack instead of by your father's hands?" I nodded my head and he breathed. "It's because of me, I didn't recognize you when we first met with you and your friends, but after hearing how you injured my children with your powers I knew that were Susan's most prized possession." He slowly stood and we walked out the woods close to Hagrid's hut. "Your mother asked me to poison her when I was still very young, she said that she would make it look like a heart attack, but when I bit her the night she died your father landed next to her body after failing to kill Harry potter and he was badly wounded." I sat down on a rock across from him and listened to his story. "Your father probably never told you this but when he found your mother lying there close to death thinking that her heart was failing he did the worst thing he could ever do." My heart pounded in my chest and I could barely breathe. "He didn't see you because your mother cloaked you but I watched everything from the shadows, he used what little magic he had left and dripped his blood into your mother's mouth thinking it would cure her and then he left before my friend Hagrid found you." My heart then stopped beating for just a moment. "Are you saying that my mother is alive, but why hasn't my father gone looking for her?" "Because he thought his blood spell didn't work, but it did your mother hid herself deep near the deathly Hallows bridge and she has never been seen since." I stood up and walked a few inches closer. "Also the reason your father couldn't sense that you were his daughter your first year was because your mother tied herself to you, you did try to save her the night she died but you weren't strong enough; you and your mother are linked and she won't die until you do and I know that your father has found out the truth about you being a double agent for Dumbledore and he has plans to make you pay but there is only so much pain your mother can take before she has had enough." He coughed and I could tell he would die soon. "If your mother dies then you will die and she promised herself that she would do anything to keep you alive, if your father gets you back you must do whatever it takes to be free and find your mother and break the link between you two or you will never have a future."
"Your mother would have taken you with her when she awoke completely healed but when she looked around she knew that someone had found you and that her cloaking spell had lifted once she died before she healed from your father's magic, find your mother and save yourself Nemissia Vernice Riddle daughter of Voldermort and Susan you are not evil and you can't become evil you are special nothing and no one can tempt you to turn to the dark side of yourself not even your father because no matter how much he tries you don't belong to him like he believes." I then heard the door to Hagrid's hut swing open and Hagrid walked into his pumpkin patch. I looked back at Aragon and saw that he didn't have much time. "I wanted to see Hagrid one last time before dying but I have used the last of my energy to tell you all that you know now, you must never tell what I have told you to anyone until the link between you and your mother is severed or your father will find and use both her and you as his weapons against the world and all will be lost." He then closed his eyes and his body flipped over as he died. I ran back to Hogwarts and went to the chamber of secrets where I could be alone and cried. I had just learned many new things and now my emotions were making me lose control of my powers everything went black as the chamber became engulfed in my powers. 

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