Harry Attacks Draco

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The next morning we were all eating breakfast in the great hall. I looked over to Ron seeing that there was snow falling over their table. Hermione made him stop and they started talking I was about to walk over there when I saw Katie Belle walk and Harry walked to her. I listened in on the conversation. "I know what you're going to Harry but I can't remember who cursed me I've tried to but I just can't." She then stopped and looked up and I turned my head seeing Draco with a frightened look on his face. He left and Harry followed him. I got up from my table and followed after them but they walked into the bathroom. I went back to the great hall and for professor Snape. When he saw me I motioned my head for him to follow me and we heard commotion coming from the bathroom. We rushed in to see Harry Draco and Draco dead on the floor with blood all over him. I looked at Harry terrified. "Harry what have you done!" He left and I stayed with professor Snape while he healed Draco. After Draco was healed I stayed by his side in the hospital wing holding his hand. Although I didn't love Draco me and him had been through a lot together so I knew that I couldn't leave him at least not right now. I ended up staying with him and being excused from my classes.

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