Death to Dumbledore

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After saying goodbye to everyone I left to say goodbye to Harry last but I was not gonna make it. Out of the room of requirement stepped Bellatrix, her husband and the werewolf man. I started to avaperate but Bellatrix grabbed me before I could. "Don't even think about it missy your father is anxious to see you." She then chained my hands behind my back and gagged me. She then walked me to Dumbledore's office and Draco was there with his wand pointed at Dumbledore. "Well done Draco now is the time to kill him." Draco hesitated and began to lower his wand. "No." Snape then walked in and pointed his wand at Dumbledore. "Severus please."
"Advankada." A green light then hit Dumbledore and he flew out the window falling to his death. Bellatrix screamed in triumph then we walked to the great hall and while I was held by her husband and she trashed the place and sent the dark mark into the sky. We then walked away from Hogwarts with Harry behind us. "Snape he trusted you!" Harry started shooting spells and Bellatrix made him stop. She then pointed her wand at him and was about to kill him before Snape stopped her. "No he belongs to the Dark Lord take Nemissia back to her father I'll be there soon." I was pulled further away and we avaperated to the Malfoy manor. My father stood in the front room and I thrown at his feet. "Leave us!" I looked up at him with fear and he frowned at me as my whole body shivered. He then bended down to me and put his finger under my chin lifting it higher. "You run, then ignore me speaking to you, and then you destroy my mark on your back and try to go into hiding, how dare you!" He then pushed me and I fell on my back. "I don't know weather to punish you or kill you like my followers would expect me to do." I then backed up against the door and breathed fast. "But you said you would never kill me, you said you loved me." He then turned around and walked to me. "Exactly which is why I'm not going to kill you, I've decided that instead of killing you I'm going to take away your memories and I will restart this whole father daughter relationship between us." My heart pounded and I froze. "Father please no I'm begging you don't do this to."
"I'm sorry Nemissia but I must I can't lose you again." I started to cry unsure what to do. "Shh... My sweet child do not cry." He bent down and touched my face. "It's better this way, you won't have to live with pain and guilt if you don't remember everything you did and we can fix things between us." He then pointed his wand at my forehead. I closed my eyes and tried to use my powers but it seemed that the chains were blocking my powers. I then heard a crash and the sound of avaperating. When I opened my eyes George and Fred were holding me. "Thank goodness you guys saved me." I hugged them and I breathed in relief to still have my memories. "Well we couldn't let you get hurt after you sent your letter to our mother and didn't come to say goodbye to us we knew you had to be in danger so we tracked and rescued you." I hugged them again and then we avaperated to the borrows with Mr Wesley and Mrs Wesley waiting for us. I was safe but not for long.  Dumbledore was dead and Harry was no longer safe from my father and neither was I.

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