Found Out

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We flew back to Malfoy manor and I was thrown in front of the fireplace screaming as my father threw me by my hair. All the fatherly feelings had vanished from him. "It's from that boy Seamus isn't it? I thought you and him broke up, explain yourself to me daughter now while you can still talk!" I breathed in defeat and turned laying on my back using my hands to keep me up. "We never broke up, it was all fake we've been dating behind your back this whole time and now I'm engaged to Seamus. He walked to standing just a few inches from me and then he moved his hand making me rise up above the floor and brought my face close to his. He then held up by my chin like he was gonna choke me. "Anything else I need to know?" I breathed and kept from choking to death. "I have been spying on you for Dumbledore and that you thought I killed survived." He dropped and I fell to my knees grabbing my throat and coughing. "I trusted you, I took you in and gave you everything; I even did my best to be a father to you to make you happy so you'd never feel alone in this world and you betrayed me." He turned around and looked at me with disappointing eyes and I started crying while speaking to him. "Forgive me father, but I couldn't choose between you and the life I had before I left with you, I thought I could have both you and my friends; I thought we could start over as a family." I stood up and walked to him and took his hand in my hands. He closed his eyes and I could see he was hurt. "Dumbledore and Harry potter turned you against me, my own daughter, my own flesh and blood how dare they!" I touched his face and he opened his eyes looking in pain. "Father no it was all me, I did this and I'm sorry but I was conflicted I didn't know what else to do when Dumbledore asked me to go with you to spy on you I didn't think of the trouble it would cause I just reacted on the desire to finally know my father and I didn't want to betray my friends, Harry will always be my friend you can't change that." He then pulled away turned from me. "You will be punished for this." He then turned and was about to use the crutiotios curse but I ducked and turned into dark using the dark mark to flee from my father.

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