The Discussion

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When I came through the door my greeted me with open arms. I walked into his hug and after I pulled away he put his hand on my shoulder and we walked into the room with the fireplace closing the door. He sat in his chair and I sat across from him. "I am proud of you, seeing you take out your temper on those little brats brings pleasure to me Nemissia." He smiled and put down his wand and took my hands in his. "With you being here for a while it actually gives us a chance to discuss some business, you are after all my daughter it's time you become part of my inner circle which is why you shall receive my mark once you finish the mission that I have for you." He sat back in his chair and looked at the fire for a couple minutes. "What is the mission?" He looked back at me like lost his train of thought. "Huh? Oh yes I would I would like you to come with me to Azkaban to break some of my followers out of prison for me, Draco's father is in there and so is Barty Crouch Jr. Although Draco still hasn't killed Dumbledore I still want to reward him for his efforts." A house elf then brought us in some tea and he left the room and me and my father both reached for our cups taking a sip. "Speaking of which how is Draco doing with his mission to kill Dumbledore?" I swallowed some of my tea then put down my cup and cleared my throat. "Um, he's doing his best; he hasn't made an attempt to use the killing curse yet but earlier today before I got in that fight with the kids he tried to use a cursed necklace but Katie Belle another student touched it and she got cursed instead of Dumbledore." He sipped from his tea cub then set it down. "Well Draco should just man up and kill Dumbledore already I know it is probably a lot to ask of him but he was given this mission for a reason." I cleared my throat again. "I actually wanted to ask you why you won't just kill Dumbledore yourself father? Not that I don't think Draco is up to the task but don't you want to be the one to take him down?" He then stood up and walked to the window and I began to wonder if I angered him. "The reason is that I am not strong enough to defeat Dumbledore, and maybe Draco isn't up to the task but I can't have anyone else do it, not even you my daughter."He then turned his head to me and held out his arm. "Come here." I walked to him and we looked outside watching the snow fall. "You've been shutting your mind off from me why is that?" I felt him squeeze and dig his nails into my shoulder. I winced at the pain just a bit then looked at him. "I just wanted to have a little privacy; I know you mixed my blood with yours in that whole thing to bring you back my fourth year so you and me wouldn't have any secrets but I do need to have a right to have privacy." He relaxed his hand and turned me towards him. He then healed where he had dug his nails in and healed the swelling on my eye. "I can't get rid of the bruise but at least your eye isn't so puffy anymore, I'll forgive you for shutting me out but you must remember that if you lie to me there will be consequences you understand?" I nodded my head and he put his hand to my cheek. "Good now go up to your room and sleep I'm sure you must be tired. I hugged him then grabbed my bag and went to my room feeling his eyes watching me. I could tell I wasn't gonna be able to keep lying to him for long.

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