Voldermorts Past

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Dumbledore had sent for both me and Harry to come to his office. We walked in and a bowl of water was in the middle. Dumbledore dumped some black liquid in and then he had us look inside. In the water I saw a younger version Dumbledore. He walked into a room and in the room was a little boy. "Tom you have a visitor." I then realized that the little boy was my father when he was young. "Go." The lady left them alone and Dumbledore sat across from Tom. "You're the doctor aren't you?"
"I don't believe you they think I'm different."
"Well perhaps you are."
"I'm not mad."
"Hogwarts is not a place for mad people its a school, a school of magic." Dumbledore then folded his hands in his lap. "You can do things can't you Tom?"
"I can make people hurt if I want who are you?"
"Well I'm like you Tom, I'm different." "Prove it." Tom's wardrobe then burst into flames and something was making a lot of noise. "I think there's something in your wardrobe that wants to get out Tom." Tom then pulled a box out of the wardrobe and the fire stopped. "Violence magic isn't tolerated but we can teach you how to control your magic." Dumbledore then got up to leave until Tom stopped him. "I can speak to snakes too, they find me and whispers things in my ears is that normal for someone like me sir?" The memory then faded and we lifted our heads. "Did you know sir? That..."
"Did I know that I had just the most powerful wizard in the world." I then tuned out the rest of the conversation. Harry soon left but I just stood there. Dumbledore snapped his fingers and I looked at him. "Are alright Nemissia?" I shook my head and he had me sit down. "What's troubling you?" I gripped my pants and looked at him. "Professor my father made me kill a man, because he refused to join his army; before he would always be the one to do it, but he said that I had to do it in order to complete my training." Dumbledore stayed silent and it made me uneasy. "Professor you have to help me the order doesn't know because my father made me use my powers to shield them from knowing that I was using magic while still under age, but I can't stop thinking about it; I killed someone and I feel so ashamed." I then grabbed my head in frustration and cried. Dumbledore put his hand on my head and I looked up removing my hands. "You didn't mean to Nemissia, your father would have punished you severely if you didn't obey the point is that you regret it and you hesitated before doing it." I didn't even have to tell Dumbledore that I hesitated he just knew. "Now as for what happened with the man you can relax he's not dead." I looked at him questionably and he walked to a door. The door showing the man that I thought I had killed standing there. "How is this possible? I killed him." Dumbledore then shook his head. "You only thought you, you see Nemissia you didn't realize it but the moment you hesitated your powers put a forcefild around the man and you only paralyzed him for just a while." The man walked into the room and looked at me. "After he came to he used the flu network to find me and then he passed out and while he was sleeping we examined his memories and saw what your powers did for you."
"So what does that mean professor?" I asked looking at him. "It means that your powers have taken on a life of their own and in your case that would be good thing." I looked back at the man and happy tears filled my eyes. I wasn't a murder at all. I went to the common room feeling really good about myself. It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Voldermort's Daughter and The Half Blood PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now