Madder Than a Wet Hen

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♥♥♥Okey dokey, here's the next chapter! Again, sorry for the slow updates, once its complete it will go faster. It's currently 131 pages in Microsoft word. I'd love to see some feed back:)♥♥♥

"Um, those are like, a hundred and forty dollars..." I said, looking at the pair of skinny jeans on Maria's hands. Her eyes widened. Finally, I thought, some sense.

"They’re on sale!"  she squealed, dropping them into the cart I was pushing. I smiled at her and tried to conceal my shock. I doubted if I had ever bought something over fifteen dollars, and here she was, dropping hundreds like it was pocket change. Well, maybe for them it was.

I hadnt really picked anything out, mostly I just let Maria choose stuff, and when she asked me if I liked it I would nod and smile and try to think of something to say about it. She was being really kind, and there was no way I could ever repay her. I hoped she didn't think I would be able to pay her back all that money.

We moved from place to place, and occasionally I would have to shake my head at something she pulled. Things like skirts and dresses and high heeled shoes. It seemed ridiculous to me to just wear a dress. A dress was something you wore when you went to fancy places. Like weddings. And heels just looked dangerous, and although the idea of possibly using them in self defense did run through my mind, I decided against them. I decided I would probably hurt myself more than anyone else when wearing them.

After three hours of shopping, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed and a little guilty at all the money she was spending on me. The number that popped up on the register made me want to barf, but Maria just handed over her credit card, smiling at me.

"Thank you so much." Maria said as we walked out the car, our hands full of shopping bags with tons of clothes and shoes in them, and even some jewelry, even though the only piece f jewelry I ever wore was the two dollar necklace Jake had gotten me when I turned thirteen. It was priceless to me.

"Thank me? I'm not the one who just dumped a crap ton of money on me." I said, laughing gently. She beamed at me.

"I meant thank you for coming with me. I know this is probably much different than what you're used to. But it was a lot of fun to go shopping with a girl other than Josie." she said, and I smiled.

"It was fun." I said, trying to make it sound really convincing. It was better than punch in the gut. "Thank you, I've never really been shopping." I said a little sheepishly, and her eyes widened a little, then she composed herself.

"Well, there's a first time for everything. Now,  how about some lunch?" She asked, smiling.

"Sure." I answered coolly. Now that was something I could get behind. Food, that is.


I sat in my room with all of the clothes Maria had just gotten me dumped onto the floor. I guessed I should put them in the closet, so they didn't get wrinkled or whatever. I also knew Maria was expecting me to put at least one out fit on for her to see. I sighed and kicked off my combat boots.

I pawed through all the clothes, most of which were in dark colors. Blues, black, grays, dark green, and a few whites. I pulled on a pair of black shorts that were shorter than I was used to but not too bad, and a flowy dark green tank top. It had a big cross in it, with roses filling the shape of the cross. It was girlier than my usual, but still. I looked at the pile of shoes on the floor. A new pair of combat boots with small metal spikes going around the tops, black converse,  running sneakers, and silver sandals with a little piece over the heel. They mostly reminded me of gladiator shoes, but Maria had insisted I get them, because she loved them. I sighed and put them on. I never would have gotten them had this been two days ago, but then again, I never would have been shopping in the first place. I had to keep reminding myself that this wasn’t the streets.

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