With Every Beat Of My Heart

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♥♥♥Next chapter!!! I promise something is actually going to happen eventually, just bear with me! Anyway, I hope you guys like it!!!!♥♥♥

Quinn's P.O.V

I sighed and leaned back in my chair, shaking at my head at the disappointment that was my fancy dinner. I was so glad Levy had suggested McDonalds; I was starving, and it sounded better than…whatever it was that was on my plate. I thought about what I had said to Levy earlier. I had honestly meant it, but I had felt so stupid, and I could hardly find the words to tell him. It seemed important though. I had learned the hard way that it was so important to tell people who were really important how you felt sometimes, because you may be really stubborn and also an emotionless robot, so they might not be able to tell. They might not know. And they could suddenly leave, without ever knowing.

Suddenly, the waiter appeared. He glanced at Levy’s empty seat, and a bad feeling started forming in the pit of my stomach.

“How much?” I asked, picking up the money Levy had left. I still felt bad about him spending it on me. The waiter leaned forward, putting one hand on the table in front of me and one hand on the back of my chair, leaning in so I could smell his sour breath.

“I’m sure we could work something out.” He breathed, and I moved away.

“Yeah, how about no? Take the money and beat it.” I said sourly, glaring at him. He chuckled.

“Feisty. I like it.” He purred, tugging on a loose piece of my hair, then running his hand down my shoulder, making me shudder. “I get off in ten minutes…how about we go somewhere?” he asked, raising an eyebrow  suggestively. Was this guy for real? I mean, who says that? Did he actually ever pick up a girl with that creepy line? I scowled at him.

“How about you go to hell, asshat.” I snarled, moving to push him away. He caught my wrist, sending me into overdrive, all of the instincts that had kept me alive this long kicking in. I was about to use my other hand to smash his nose(use the heel of your hand and hit in an upward motion, hopefully splintering the bone and  pushing it into the brain) when suddenly he was pulled away by the back of his shirt.

Levy spun him around, holding the front of his shirt, and pulled his fist back. I jumped up and put my hand on Levy’s arm.

“No, don’t. Let’s just go.” I said softly. He glanced down at me. “Come on,” I urged, and he scowled at the terrified waiter, then pushed him away, nearly sending him to the floor.

“You heard her, jerkwad. Move it.” He spat, and the waiter scrambled away, leaving me and Levy standing in the middle of the dining room with several wealthy people staring at us as if we had two heads. I took Levy’s hand and tugged him towards the exit. Everyone was silent as we quickly wove our way towards the door, and burst through into the cold night air.

Levy spun around on his heel when we reached the sin wagon.

“Are you alright?” he asked, looking down at me. I nodded slowly.

“Yeah, I’m fine. He was just being a jerk.” I said, and Levy nodded, then ran a hand through his hair and looked over my head, back towards the restaurant.

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