Only Hate the Road When You're Missing Home

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♥♥♥LAST CHAPTER! This is it guys! I'm gonna post an epilogue though! I REALLY hope you guys like it!!:) Also, the song on the side is the same one you're about to read about. It's sort of cheesy, but listen to the lyrics, and it'll apply♥♥♥


Even though this story was written for and because of my best friend, I gotta dedicate this chapter to Dj_8622 for the AMAZING cover♥

Don’t touch a thing till you know what’s inside it

Don’t-push-me, I’ll fight it

Never gonna give it never gonna give it up no

You cant take me, I’m freeeeeeeee

I listened to the song for the millionth time. I had been elated when they had handed me an MP3 player, until I turned it on and found out that it had one album on it, and that album happened to be the sound track from that horse movie, Spirit. It was better than nothing, and it passed the time.

It had been a month. A month since my break down, a month since I’d nearly killed myself, a month since I’d seen Levy.

It literally hurt. It hurt to think about him. The pain on his face that night I basically dumped him, the pain in his voice when he was with me at the graveyard. I didn’t remember much of that. I remembered how cold I was. I remembered how desperate I felt, how lost and alone. Then I could hear Levy. I focused on his voice, trying to listen to him. The sound of the pouring rain faded and all I could hear was him, feel his strong arms around me.

I didn’t know if I could face him. I hadn’t spoken to him since. I hadn’t spoken to anyone since arriving in Green Pines Mental Health Center. It was part of the program, they told me. I hadn’t even realized how attached to everyone in that house I was until I couldn’t talk to them anymore. I missed them all like crazy. Every night I was plagued with nightmares, but for once, they weren’t about Jake. They were about Levy. And every night I would wake up and roll over to hug him, only to nearly roll off my small twin bed and wake my roommate.

My heart pounded faster thinking about him. I would be seeing him in a few hours. It was my last day. And as much as I hated to admit it, it had actually helped a lot. I was nothing but sarcastic in my therapy sessions, but still, it had helped. But I would be damned if I was going to tell them that.

I had gotten better, but that didn’t mean that I had gained any patience. I’d mastered the technique of counting to ten and taking deep breaths to avoid hitting someone.

I sat up and looked out my window that looked over the parking lot and missed my view from Maria’s house. My room was plain. A light blue color with a tiled floor and bland white curtains over the windows, it was nothing special. My side was spotless while my roommate, Tia’s, was a mess, clothes everywhere and a one direction poster on the wall. I made a face at her stuff.

I heard my white door open up, and I turned around to see who it was.

“Well hello there, Bruce.” I said brightly, standing up to look at the nurse. He was tall and balding, with a long, hooked nose and a mouth that seemed to be permanently set into a look of distaste. Or maybe that was just me. Like all the other nurses, he wore white scrubs and squeaky shoes.

“It’s your appointment with Dr. Miller.”  He said in a flat voice. I grinned at him as I walked past, knowing that he hated me.

I didn’t even knock on Dr. Millers door, trying to uphold my obnoxious persona till the last minute. She didn’t seem to really care anymore, and I grudgingly admitted to myself that I sort of liked her. She was blandly pretty, with long, almost white blond hair, clear blue eyes that reminded me of Max, and  a gap between her front teeth. She was thin in the extreme, with small shoulders and tiny, boney hands. Her hair was in a French braid and she got up to shut the door that I had rudely left open.

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