Sports Bras, Spandex, and Ice Water

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♥♥♥Hey guys!!!! If you're reading, please tell me what you think! I've been feeling a bit discouraged lately, not to mention that Trust Me isn't doing as well as I had hoped, but still, I'm grateful for any of you who are reading! Sorry this chapter is sort of short, I'll update soon!♥♥♥

Levy's P.O.V

For a moment, I honestly thought she was dead.

That was my second thought after holy[enter swear word of your choice here]

She looked pale, her eyes closed and her body perfectly still. But mostly what caught my eye was Quinn was laying in the tub, with only spandex and a sports bra. I mean, I had seen tons of girls around like that, but somehow I'd never expected to catch Quinn in this situation. She opened one eye and looked at me, then opened the other so that she could roll them.

"Relax, I have a sports bra on. It's perfectly acceptable." she said, but I could see the faint blush of pink along her cheek bones. I tried to act nonchalant, and not at all like I thought she looked beyond hot. Because she was annoying and self centered.

So I dumped the bucket of ice I was holding into the tub. Her eyes flew open and she gasped, just as I dumped the second bucket in. she immediately pulled her knees up to her chest, and I grinned, leaning against the sink.

"That'll put a hitch in your giddy up." I said, and she scowled at me, still shivering.

"Why do people do this?" she stammered, and I shrugged.

"It'll make you less sore tomorrow." I said, and she gave me a suspicious look, as if she wasn’t sure if I was just enjoying watching her freeze to death, although that was an added bonus. She slowly relaxed, letting her long legs stretch out so she wasn’t in a ball anymore. She was still shivering, and I frowned a little, wondering if people normally shivered this much. She was also looking pretty pale.

"Are you ok?" I blurted out, and she glanced over at me, then nodded slowly.

"It's getting a little better." she said, and I nodded. I hadnt noticed how much tenser I had gotten, and I felt myself relax as she sighed, the ends of her blond hair  floating in the water. I noticed she was looking at me with a strange look in her storm gray eyes.

"I'm not going to freeze to death." she said, raising an eyebrow. I nodded.

"I know."

"And I'm not going to drown…"

"Good to hear."

She looked at me like I was missing something huge.

"So….I was just wondering why you were still hanging out in here…." she said, and I felt my eyes widen some as I realized that I had  no idea either.

"Oh, uh, um…" I straightened and started to leave.

"Wait, um, Levy?" Quinn said, and I looked over my shoulder at her. "I mean, you don’t have to go. I don’t have anything to do, and I think I'm supposed to sit in here for a while…" she said a little nervously. I studied her features, then shrugged. All she wanted was a little company. I could handle that. So I sat down with my back against the counter and looked at her.

"So tell me, what did you do to land in prison?" I asked, and she gave me a look that said she was not ok with the question, but then her face softened and she sighed, shutting her eyes and leaning her head back against the tub.

"I got caught for vandalism." she opened one eye to look at me. "But I didn't do it."

I smirked at her. "That's what they all say." I said, even though I wasn’t one to be talking. she opened her eyes and scowled at me.

"Are you trying to make me mad?"

Yes. "No."

"I cant feel my toes." she murmured, and I raised an eyebrow. "Doesn’t that mean you should be getting out?" I asked, and she shrugged.

"I'm kinda use to it, and I doubt if my legs are gonna move." she said, chuckling a little. She turned her head so she was looking at me. I found it sort of hard to keep direct eye contact with those eyes.

"Where'd you get all this ice?" she asked, looking at the now empty buckets sitting next to the toilet.

"They have a whole freezer full." I said, and she raised her eyebrows.

"They have a freezer just for ice?" she asked skeptically. I nodded.

"Yeah, pretty much." I said, and she shook her head, looking incredulous.

"You know, Maria and Mark have been so kind, but they seem so…over indulged." she blurted out. Almost immediately her cheeks heated up, and she looked mildly surprised at her outburst. "I mean, I know it isn't my place, but they have so much." she said, clearly looking anywhere but at me. I nodded

"I know. It all seems a bit much." I said, then paused. I wasn’t used to having civil conversations with anyone over the age of five. "It feels like they kind of take advantage of it, sometimes." I said, and felt a little bad. Maria and Mark were good people. they used their money to spend it on us orphan kids, and they worked hard for that money. I guess it just took a long time to get used to having the resources to keep a roof over my head for more than a month and clean clothes on my back.

"How long have you been here?" Quinn suddenly asked. I looked at the ceiling as I thought.

"Two months, right around." I said thoughtfully, and she nodded. I studied her face while she wasn’t paying attention, feeling a bit stalkerish. Her black eye was pretty much gone, just a light purple and yellowing bruise shadowing her gray eyes. She always had a guarded look, something that was all too familiar to me. I had a good one too. I was suddenly really, really curious about her. Which was dumb, because it was none of my business, and I shouldn’t care because she was annoying and conceited and selfish and cranky.

But I did. Because I'm nosy and stupid like that. I wanted to know exactly why she ended up in jail, where she got that world class attitude problem, why she cringed when people touched her. I remembered earlier in the week, when we had been arguing and I raise my hands over my head in frustration. She suddenly looked so small, which was not something I saw her as. She had flinched away and covered her face, because she honestly thought I was going to hit her.

I knew as well as anyone where those habits came from. I wondered…no, it was stupid. There was no way. Quinn was tough, hard core. She was one of those people who I wouldn’t want to piss off, because she would probably kick my ass if I pushed her far enough. Liam still had a nice bruise from her "rite of passage." But she was strong, and obviously didn't need anyone's help.

But I still found myself wondering: Had Quinn been abused?

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