I Love You, Okay?

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♥♥♥Ok guys, so this is one of the last chapters...not the last, but its the second or third to last, just so you have some warning. I know its short, and I know the last one was short, so I'm trying to update really quickly!! I really hope you like this!♥♥♥

I stared at my hands blankly, my thoughts swimming,  a strange pain in my chest. Maybe I’m having an heart attack, I thought randomly.

She just needs space, I told myself. She’s had another death in her small circle of close friends. She needed time and space.

Bull shit.

I’d promised myself that I would make her happy. I would make her smile every day if it killed me. I didn’t care if she didn’t want me near her, I didn’t care if she wanted to get out of here, I just didn’t care.

I cared about her.

I got up from my bed. I had been sitting in my room, listening. Her room was silent, but I knew she was in there. I crossed the hall and opened her door.

“Quinn?” I called, receiving silence as an answer. I hadn’t expected different. I scanned the area and saw nothing. Her bed was empty, and she was nowhere to be seen. I went further in, shutting her door behind me.


No answer.

I quickly strode into her closet, then into her bathroom. Both were empty. I went back into the main part of her room, a terrible feeling creeping through my body. That’s when I noticed her window was wide open. I ran over and looked out it. I could see the screen on the ground far below. There was no way she had climbed out.

Then I noticed the lattice work that was nailed to the house just below her window, reaching down to the garden below her window. I cursed under my breath and left her room, practically sprinting down the stairs and into the living room where Mark, Maria, and Josie were watching TV.

“Have you seen Quinn?” I asked breathlessly. Marias eyebrows bunched together.

“No. Levy, what’s-”

I didn’t stick around to hear  what she said, I was already sprinting back up the stairs, up the second flight of stairs, and into the movie theatre where the twins were watching a movie with Max. I burst through the door, and they all turned in their seats to look at me.

“Where’s Quinn?” I practically yelled. The twins stood up.

“Haven’t seen her man. What’s up?” Liam asked, looking at me. I gripped my hair tightly in my hands.

“She’s gone. God dammit, she’s gone!” I yelled, realizing bhtta I was literally acting like a lunatic and not caring. Max appeared at the twins side.

“Hold on man, it’s a big house, lets look around first before jumping to conclusions.” He said, trying to be rational. I nodded, though my mind was elsewhere. I knew she wasn’t in the house anymore. I could feel it.

We combed through the house, checking and rechecking each room, calling her name, looking in the barn and on the roof.

“She isn’t here!” I roared. Maria was arguing with me, trying to calm me down, trying to rationalize with me. I wouldn’t have it.

Just then,  a fork of lightning ripped open the sky, and rain began to fall, heavy and hard.

Without listening to anyone, I turned and went back up the stairs, heading for Quinn’s room for an idea of where she might be. I ripped open drawers, opened every box I could find, turned over her mattress.

That’s when I saw that photo. The one of her and Jake.

And I knew where she was.

There have been very few times in my life where I have been truly afraid. I remember being afraid of my father, I remember being afraid when my mother died. I remember being afraid when I met Quinn.

I was afraid when I skidded to a halt in the pouring rain in front of the cemetery. The rain  was freezing, and I knew she would be freezing too.

But nothing in my life has scared me as badly as what I saw when I ran into the open gates of the cemetery and scanned the gray stones for a flash of blond hair.

I saw Quinn, on her knees in front of a grave.

With a knife in her hand, pointed right at her stomach.

She was hunched over, her thin shoulder shaking, her blond hair soaking and hanging in clumps around her face.

Quinn!” I screamed through the pouring rain. She didn’t even move, and for one horrible moment, I thought she was already gone.

It seemed I couldn’t run fast enough, like I was running through a pool of water up to my waist, or a bowl of jello.

I fell to my knees behind her and ripped the knife from her hands, throwing it as far as I could.

“Quinn!” I shouted, and her head bobbed a little, then turned slightly. She was pale, and I could see she was already getting a fever by the glassy look in her eye. She looked back to the grave without acknowledging me.

“Quinn, you listen to me!” I shouted over the rain. I ripped my sweater off, hardly feeling the cold rain that pelted my skin, and slipped it over her, pulling the hood up over her head. I wrapped my arms around her, pressing my chest to her back. She was freezing, and I tried to warm her up. We needed an ambulance. I needed to by some time until we could get one.

My arms around her, my legs on either side of her, I started talking to her.

“Listen! I don’t care how you feel, dying isn’t an option! I’m right here, baby! I’m right here!" I chanted, and with some horror felt my voice crack. "I’ll never leave you. You believe me when I say that. I’m not going to leave!” I cried. I felt her shudder a little as a sob pulled through her. It was the first sign of life I had seen.

“Jake’s gone. There’s nothing you can do about that. I wish I could bring him back for you; I would do anything, baby. But it cant happen. And you need to keep going. You cant keep everyone away forever. Look at Dodger. He couldn’t do it either, and he was strong, just like you. You’re strong, Quinn. Stronger than this. You can do this. I can help you. Do you hear me?

I love you, okay? I’ve never said that to anyone, but I love you more than anything, and you cant leave me here, you just cant. You’re all I have, baby. You’re all I have.” I practically sobbed. I felt her small, cold hand move over mine. I squeezed it tightly and rocked her back and forth. Movement caught my eye, and I looked up to see a woman with an umbrella walking down the street.

“Help!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. “Help!”

She looked over, then ran towards us.

“Call 911!” I yelled, and she fumbled through a purse before pulling out a phone.

“It’s gonna be ok, Quinn. Everything is going to be ok.”

I rested my head on her shoulder and pressed my lips to her neck, rubbing her arms to try and warm her up. I looked at the stone in front of us.

Jake Farmer

August 21st, 1996-June 4th, 2013

Love Is Giving Someone The Power To Destroy You, But Trusting Them Not To

“See that Quinn?” I whispered, already hearing the wail of the sirens, my eyes on Jake's head stone. “Trust me.”

♥Alright, like I said, we're almost done with this book! Just a few more chapters, then its all done:( Anyway, tell me what you thought! This was a big chapter!♥

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