Four Wheelers Aren't for City Girls

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♥♥♥Here's the next chapter! It's a little longer, and I hope you guys really like it!♥♥♥

I opened my eyes and stifled a shriek, my eyes wide as I stared into two turquoise blue eyes. I sat up and ran a hand through my hair.

"Sully, what are you doing?" I asked him, irritated. He gave me a gap toothed grin, pointing to his mouth.

"I lost a toof!" he said, unable to correctly pronounce the word due the honking big gap where a front tooth should have been. I nodded slowly.

"That's great, Sully." I said patiently, somewhat irritated that I had been woken. Sully was so gosh darn cute though. He barred his teeth, showing me the gap and I couldn’t help but smile a little.

"Are you gonna give it to the tooth fairy?" I asked him, trying to be a good person and testing the limits of my anger management at the same time, and he nodded.

"Yeah, but the tooth fairy here sucks. She never comes the first night." He pouted, and I shook my head in disapproval.

"You should write her a letter." I said, playing along. He nodded vigorously.

"Yeah! then, she'll know that she has to come on time because my toof is important and I like money." he said walking towards the door. He grabbed the door knob then turned back around the face me.



"Your hair looks like a bee's nest."

And with that he left my room, and I swear I heard a stifled laugh come from Levy's room. I'm not much for kids. I don't like them, they don't like me. But I felt sort of bad for Sully. He wasn't that different from me, just luckier. Anyway, he reminded me of Jake at that age, with his blue eyes, blonde hair, and goofy attitude.

I frowned and looked at the mirror. It did look pretty bad. I shrugged and threw it into a messy bun before pulling my butt out of bed.

Once dressed I shut my door behind me, wincing a little at the sore muscles in my legs. It would have been much worse if it weren't for that ice bath. I still felt dumb thinking about me and Levy sitting in there. I pretty much had just blurted out what I felt about the house and all the money, just like that. I'm not a touchy person. I'm not crazy about strong emotions, whether it be anger or annoyance. Hell, I'm not even crazy about feeling happy. Even though it wasn’t like I had just laid out my heart for him to look at(ew,) I still felt uncomfortable with just telling him what I felt about the money thing. Because it was personal. And I don’t do personal.

But the thing is, it wasn’t that telling him felt bad that worried me. It felt good to get it off my chest, even just the smallest thing. I didn't trust that feeling.

In the kitchen I found Max sitting at the counter, eating a poptart and flipping through a sports magazine. He glanced up when I entered.

"Morning, Quinn." he said around a mouthful of strawberry poptart. I pulled the orange juice from the fridge.

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