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♥♥♥I know I just updated yesterday, but I had nothing to do, so I figured, what the heck? Sorry this one is sort of short. It's basically just a filler chapter. Hope you guys like it!♥♥♥

Kissing Quinn was everything I had imagined and more. I tangled a hand into her thick blond hair and wrapped an arm around her. Her soft lips moved perfectly against mine, and sitting on the hood of that old beat up car with her was….everything.

I hadn’t been angry with her. I couldn’t stay mad at her. Every time she looked at me with those clear gray eyes I just melted like some stupid butter ball. My ego had been bruised.

But mostly, I’d been…ashamed. Who was I to think I could have just kissed her like that? At a water park? For Gods sake, she didn’t even like to be touched. So I’d avoided her. I wasn’t going to force myself on her. She avoided me, and I could see that.  It sucked, but I was sure it was what she wanted.

But then I heard her crying. Not just crying, she was sobbing. I’m not a sentimental guy, but something inside me just shattered, hearing her crying across the hall. I hadn’t known what was wrong, and I doubted she wanted to see me.

But frankly, I didn’t care.

I decided right then to get over it. We could be friends, right? That’s what I was going to talk to her about. I was surprised when she agreed to go for a ride, and the whole drive I had been telling myself that I would just bite the bullet and we could be just friends. If it made her happy, I would grin and bear it.

Then she kissed me.

And I don’t know, but sometimes, when the right girl kisses you, all of that macho, manly, egotistical crap just goes right out the window, and all you can see is her, all you can think is her, all you can breathe is her. Take it from me, guys.

It did cross my mind though, to make sure this was what she wanted. I knew Quinn. It wasn’t hard to see that trust wasn’t exactly her strong point. Her best friend, Jake, had obviously left some kind of jagged hole in her heart, and I knew she was worried. She couldn’t go through that again. It would kill her.

I wasn’t going to let her, anyways.

If it was the last thing I did, I would protect her. Nothing was going to hurt her. I had decided that weeks earlier, but lying there with her in my arms, it hit me stronger than ever. I hugged her closer to my chest,  a sudden surge of protectiveness swelling up in my chest.

Which was dumb. No one was more capable of taking care of themselves than Quinn.

But maybe, she wouldn’t need to take care of herself anymore, a small voice in the back of my head whispered. Maybe, I could do it for her.

“Levy? You okay?” Quinn asked, sitting up  a little so she could see me better.

“What? Yeah, I’m great.” I said, smirking at her. She smiled a little, and I wished, not for the first time, that she would smile more.

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