Chapter 7 - Date

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I woke up late the next morning because last night I fell asleep close to 3am and the previous day was exhausting; mostly mentally, but still. When I checked my phone it was close to 11am so I quickly got up and went for a quick shower. Jess wasn't here anymore and I must've been REALLY tired if I didn't hear her leave, I'm usually not such a hard sleeper; but she left a note:

'I'm at Dianne's, the girl we met that first night, have fun with Liam today, sweetie! XO, Jess.'

She's such a kind person, how could Harry do- no, I won't think about this now, I need to focus on Liam today and how excited I am about the date.

I finished the shower quickly and I dressed with a pair of light blue skinny jeans, a white v neck t-shirt and my old blue Converse. I had to go to a super market to buy myself some stuff like shampoo and tooth paste, as well as some more chocolate and other crap to ruin my inexistent silhouette. I opened the window to check the temperature and a cool breeze hit me so I decided for a denim jacket; it wasn't thick but it kept me good and warm. I was back almost an hour later and I was determined to look for a car as soon as possible; I had enough money to buy an acceptable secondhand one.

I bought myself breakfast on my way back and it was only half past twelve so I had plenty of time to search online for some car dealers until I had Liam to pick me up. I found a few acceptable dealers nearby and I could get there by bus so I noted the addresses down and planned to check at least two on Monday.

Now that I was done with everything else, I went to brush my teeth and dress up. I chose a checkered red and black shirt with long sleeves and the same pair of jeans from earlier this morning. I didn't know if I should wear Toms or sneakers but I finally decided on my red Vans because they fitted the shirt and I had a secret passion for Vans.

While I was just finishing my hair, I heard a knock on the door.

"Just a second!" I yelled from the bathroom and quickly applied my mascara and threw my lucky necklace around my neck.

"Hi!" I smiled to Liam as I opened the door.

"Hey, you're ready?" he asked me smiling.

"Yeah, let me get my bag."

"Ok, let's go." he said as I locked the door.

"So, you're telling me where we're going?" I asked curiously as he opened the passenger door for me; what a nice gesture!

"It's still a surprise." he grinned at me as he buckled his seat belt; he was really, really cute...

"Fine." I huffed and he seemed amused by it.

He turned the radio on and my favorite song of Mayday Parade came on; I couldn't help but hum along:

'I thought I could live in your arms

And spend every moment I had with you

And stay up all night with the stars

Confess all the faith that I had in you'

"You like it?" Liam asked me turning the radio a bit louder.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorite songs."

"I love it too." he smiled to me.

40 minutes later, I think we were out of town and I was growing nervous; and a little anxious.

"Liam, the road is quite long..." I stated and looked for some civilization but all I saw was forest on my right and fields on my left.

"Calm down, there's this 10 minutes from here and after that I have a surprise for you." he smiled to me and I knew things were OK; he was OK.

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