Chapter 9 - "I'll pay!"

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Liam's P.O.V.

I just told her everything. I cried in front of her. I opened up for her. I broke down.

She was fast asleep in my arms by now, she didn't know what to say after I finished my confession so she just hugged me tight and now she was laying with her head on my chest and an arm around my waist as I was holding her close. I felt so good right then, even if I just confessed my dark side to someone and she now knew almost everything about me, it still felt good to actually have a girl to care in your arms and not just an ordinary whore.

Rose's P.O.V.

I woke up next to Liam, his arm hugging my waist, the sun sneaking from next to the curtain. I shifted from under his hand but he just grabbed me and pulled me closer as he groaned into his pillow.

"I need to use the bathroom." I giggle and he finally lets go. I quickly get off the bed and head for the little bathroom and turn the warm water on while I step into the shower.

The water is limited so I can't be long so I quickly soap my whole body. The last thing I remember from last night is Liam telling me how he used to hit people and how he can't be fixed... I have no idea how I could help him but it is worth a try; he is worth a try.

"Liam?" I whisper when I crawl on the bed again.

"Mm?" he mumbles and opens his eyes to look at me.

"I promise to help you with everything, I promise to try and fix you. I promise I'll be by your side when you need me." I whisper and kiss his nose.

"Thank you." he breaths out.

*20th of December*

"Come on, Rose, it's gonna be fun!" Jess keeps whining.

She's been saying this sentence for half an hour now, why won't she just stop?! She's trying to convince me to go with her and some of her friends to some party but I don't really like parties.

"Jess, please, for the love of God, understand at once! I do not want to go, the end. Now let me read, please." I huffed and angrily plopped on my bed, grabbing John Green's The Fault In Our Stars from the nightstand and opening it.

"Fine, you're no fun. I'm out, bye." she huffed and shut the door behind her. I knew she wasn't really mad at me; she was just pissed off like a little child who wants something and doesn't get it. My phone started buzzing next to me and I looked to see my mum was calling.

"Hello, love!" she chirped.

"Hi, mum." I smiled to myself; I loved hearing her voice, it was soothing.

"I called to see if you were coming home for Christmas? Robert said he will, so it's only you left to decide."

Well... I loved Christmas at home. Maybe I could bring Liam along? My mum knows about Liam but she never met him. We're almost 3 months together now and it's going well, he's so nice to me, so lovely.

"Could I bring Liam along? Is that OK?" I asked shyly.

"Sure, honey! Well, I gotta go now, your dad needs me, talk soon, I love you!" she shouted happily.

"I love you too." I giggled and hung up.

I couldn't wait to see them; I haven't seen them in... A month or so. I finally bought myself a car soon after my date with Liam and, even if he offered to help me pay it, I didn't let him; I could manage it on my own. It was a 7 years old Volkswagen and for me it was perfect really: it worked and I needed nothing more.

My relationship with Liam was going great; he was so open with me... And I'm always wondering if I've managed to fix him in some way. But, after all, I may as well never know if I did or not; but I know I tried my best. Harry's been mocking him and I know it, everyone knows it; except Liam keeps denying it to me and tells me that it's nothing. Harry should fucking mind his damn business!

Speaking of the witch, he bursted through the door and woke me up from my day dreaming and I almost throw my book at him in shock but I get angry the moment I see him.

"What the hell?! Did you grow up in a cave?! Didn't your parents teach you how you should knock on someone's door before entering?!" I shout at him and he stiffens when I mention his parents.

Why... Oh.



Nice move, Rose.

"What do you want..." I trail off, my cheeks burning and my eyes facing the floor now. He clears his throat before he speaks.

"I need you to be my girlfriend for the winter holidays." he blurts out. "I'll even pay you, I just need it so my... Parents don't know I lied to them. If I don't have a good girlfriend- like I told them I do- they'll know I lied and won't pay for my college anymore." he chokes. "I'll pay." he repeats.

My mouth hangs open as I look him in the eyes and his are pleading.

"I'll pay, I swear, just do it, it's not such a big deal!"

So he disappears for like 2 weeks from my life and when I see him he asks me THIS?!


-if you don’t get Harry’s reason for asking Rose to be his gf for his parents, you’ll see in the next chapter:)-

Heeey! I know this is SO short but I was so damn tired last night and today was a long day and the traffic was horrid, idk why:(

It's a short update but better than nothing, right?:3 I'll update tomorrow night tho, that's for sure because I have like SO many ideas! And I already started writing it so it should be ready sometime tonight if I don't fall asleep too soon haha

Anywayssss, sorry for the delay, school started and I'm freaking out because I have some exam 'preparations' after winter holidays and I have to revise 9th and 10th grade material and also memorize 11th grade material at the same time and it's so frustrating:( plus the bunch of particular lessons I take for UNI are killing meee:(

Butttt I got some new books and I also try to write as much as possible for you guys because you make me so happy when you vote/comment! Ily soooo much for putting up with me, I'm trying to update asap!:)

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