Chapter 3

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When I sit up I see my sister holding something in her hands, and my backpack opened on the end of my bed, but it's not my bed, it's a freaking hospital bed. "What the actual fuck is going on?"

I flail my arms in an attempt to get my sister's attention but it doesn't work. "Sam, Sam, Sam, Sammy, SAMANTHA!" Still nothing. What the hell!

I get up and lean over her shoulder to see what she's reading and it's my journal! Shit! I try to smack it out of her hands but it doesn't work. I keeping trying, and by the fifteenth time I get so pissed, and try one more time and it works.

"What the fuck?" Sam says her eyebrows raised in fright and shock. She scans the room to see if anyones there, but no one's around. Her eyebrows are now furrowed and carefully she bends down to grab my journal and place it on the bed.

I watch her and when she sets it down I look up and see another body. I walk over to look at the face and it's mine! "Holly shit!" I say walking backwards and plopping down on a chair.

"What is going on?" Both me and Sam say.


Why didn't she just come talk to me? I don't know what I could've done to help her, but at least she wouldn't have to deal with her problems on her own.

"Im such an idiot!" I say out loud.

There's a knock on the door, and different nurse comes in, along with another lady.

"Hello." The lady next to the nurse reaches out her hand for me to shake. "I'm Annora's therapist, Cathy. You are?"

"Sam. Her older sister." I say extending my hand out and shake hers.

"Do you mind if I ask you some questions?" Cathy asks.

"What for?"

She turns to the nurse and whispers something in her ear, and when she pulls away the nurse leaves the room and shuts the door behind her.

"Do you know that Annora was self harming?." She says taking a seat in the chair against the wall.

"No. Not again at least. The first time it happened I was the first person to find out."

"I know. She's told me. Do you know why she would have started again?"

I don't know if Annora told her therapist what I read in her journal, so I didn't tell her just in case. "I don't know. We don't really talk much." I responded

"I know. She's told me." She explains.

"She must have told you a lot of things."

"Yeah, but never why she did it in the first place. Do you know why?" She asks.

"No." I say looking at the ground. She doesn't say anything for a couple of seconds so I decide to ask her a question. "What has she told you then?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said you she's told you a lot of things, so I just wanna know what about?"

"I can't tell you what she says, but I can tell you what I know."

"Ok." I look at her waiting for her to answer.

"I know you guys have different dad's, but both your parents are drug addicts. I know you live with you aunt and uncle, and your very angry with your mom-"

"What about our relationship. What do you know about Annora and I?" I ask interrupting her.

"I know that she cares about you, but doesn't really show it, and I'm guessing you care about her too and you don't show it either. Is that correct? She asks me with her eyebrows raised and a smirk across her face.

"Yeah. I guess. What else do you know?" I ask again.

"I know that she's upset with you for lying to her and her grandparents."

"Oh. So she's told you about my aunt and uncle taking them to court." I say.

"No, she said that you took them to court because you wanted to live with them." She says looking a bit confused. Shit. No one was supposed to know that. Fuck me.

"Never mind." I say glancing up at her to see her eyebrows still furrowed.

It's silent again, and I carefully move Annora's feet to make room for me to sit down. I look up and this time Cathy isn't staring at me, but Annora.

"Do you know if she was acting differently in the last couple weeks?" She asks breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" I say staring at her.

"Has she been waking up late, not getting enough sleep, not eating?"

"I don't know. I don't live with her."

She stares at me for a couple of seconds before responding. "Are you sure? I know she talks to you sometimes. Has she sounded different?"

I look back at Annora face, her being so unaware of the conversation going on. "She has been complaining about not being able to sleep, and waking up late, and not eating breakfast because of it. But what does that have to do with Annora self harming?" I ask.

"Those are the things that tell me Annora has been depressed." She says.

"Well why didn't you ask her yourself?" I look back at her.

"I did. She answered no to all of them."

"Couldn't you see the changes in her though?"

"It's not that easy. I knew something was wrong and when I asked about it, she just told me that her memories had been coming back, and they were stronger than usual, but she fought her way through them." She says. Through the corner of my eye, I watched her hand go up to her right eye, and wipe a tear away.

"Don't worry." I say turning around and looking her in the eyes. "It's not your fault. She's a pretty damn good liar." That made her laugh.

"Yeah. I know that now." She says sarcastically with a smile on her face.


Cathy left after asking more questions that I couldn't answer, and before she left she gave me a card with her name on it, a phone number and an address. She told me if I need to talk at all, about anything, to call, and her extension was on the back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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