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!!Spoilers for Civil War!!

Caterina sat with her older sister Wanda at a table in Lagos.

Both had green baseball caps on their heads as they drank tea, Wanda's green eyes met Cats brown eyes before taking a sip.

This was Caterina's first official mission.

She still struggled with the element that was air, but she had somewhat control over it. Steve said she shouldn't have to use it if things go well.

She looked around as she drank taking in her surroundings carefully.

Wanda poured another sugar packet in her tea, then stirred it with a spoon.

They both had ear comms in, and we're ready to go. Caterina was excited, she finally got to show what she had been learning.

On the other hand Wanda was nervous, her baby sister was on this mission which means she needed to protect her even more. She didn't want to lose her like she lost Pietro, and Steve and the team knew that.

"Anything yet?" She asked quietly leaning foreword. "Caterina. Be patient." She heard Steve's voice come through the comm. Wanda perked up and looked over her shoulder, " Alright what do you see?"

"Standard cops, small station, quiet street, it's a good target." Wanda explained softly.

"There's a ATM on the south corner, which means..."

"Cameras." Caterina whispered. She scratched the back of her head. "Both cross streets are one way."

"So compromise the escape routes." Wanda looked at her sister who was reading a newspaper. "Our guy doesn't care about being seen, he's not afraid to make a mess." Steve lectured, "See that Range Rover about halfway around the block?"

"You mean the red one, it's cute." Cat replied drinking her tea.

"It's also bulletproof. Which means private security, which means more guns, which means more headaches, probably for us." Natasha Romanoff, who was sitting a couple tables away from the two siblings, looked over at them.

"You guys know I can move things with my mind right?" Wanda stated putting to cup up to her mouth before taking another sip.

"Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature." Caterina and Wanda both looked over their shoulders, they were both uncomfortable.

"Has anyone ever told you how paranoid you are?" Sam Wilson also known as Falcon spoke through the comm.

Caterina snorted, "To my face. No. Why did you hear something?" Natasha clearly wanted to know who he had heard that from.

"Focus guys, this is the best lead on Rumlow we have gotten, I don't want to lose him."

"That should be easy because he hates us." Caterina scoffed as she drank some more of her tea. Tea reminded her of home, Sokovia. Wanda smiled at her sister, she had grown up a lot.

"Hey Sam do you see that garbage truck?"


"Tag it."

Caterina stirred her tea in boredom and Wanda looked at her with head cocked to the side.

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