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When Caterina Maximoff was eight, her world had changed forever. She wouldn't have even thought of the burden of loosing her parents from a bomb made by Tony Stark. Her old teammate. She was thinking about the past when Steve stopped the little bug underneath a big parking garage. Sharon's car a couple hundred feet away.

"Get ready Sam I'm about to make some money." She mumbled from the back seat rubbing her hands, Bucky sitting near her. Sam chuckled, "Watch it Lil M."

"What? Scared you're going to loose money?" She giggled lightly as Steve and Sharon continued to talk, Sharon lifted up her cars trunk. Their uniforms were all in there...thank you Sharon.

"Can you move your seat up?" Caterina snorted when she heard Bucky speak.

"No." Sam's facial expression turned hard when Bucky asked the question.

"Oh my god." Caterina snorted and started to laugh uncontrollably. These two together were comedic gold. "That was so funny, I haven't had a laugh like that since Pietro getting Wanda a dress."

Sam snorted and looked back at her smiling, "You know kid, he would be proud of you."

Bucky watched her facial expression change, from happiness to sadness in an instant. Pietro was a sensitive subject to the now sixteen year old. Bucky grabbed her shoulder with one arm and tightly pulled her to his side. She had barley known him for more than a day and he was already treating her like a little sister. He was very comfortable with her, after all she saved his life against T'Challa the first time.

Cat looked up to see Steve and Sharon exchanging a kiss, she punched Sam in the shoulder, "Where's my money?!"

Sam pulled fifty dollars from his jean pocket and handed it back to her. "Thank you." Caterina looked at the money and happily sighed. She won the bet.

"But if it helps you can take Rhodey if we do have to fight them." Caterina's words hit her hard as her eyes were big when she thought of fighting the people she considered family.  She regretted what she had said instantly.

Steve soon got back in the green bug and Caterina waved the money in his face.

"I WON!"

"What? Did you guys bet on Sharon and I?!"

"No..." Sam snorted as he tried to cover up the bet he and Cat had. Bucky looked between the three, since Steve had been unfrozen he'd made new friends, they were more of a family to him. Sam like the annoying brother and Caterina like an annoying sister.

"We're meeting Wanda and Clint a couple levels up." Steve reminded them before starting the green bug and driving. Caterina couldn't wait to see her sister, they had never been apart this long. She also hadn't seen Clint much since he was always with his family. When she did see him, it was at the farm for annual visits. Laura loved having the two Maximoffs over, especially during Wanda's healing from Pietro. Caterina had pushed her feelings all the way down to the deepest emotional pit of her body, but she was a time bomb...she would eventually break and she did.

She tore a cabin and the surrounding woods apart. Luckily no people were injured or it couldve been bad.

"Cat?" Bucky whispered seeing her gaze soften. She was thinking heavily about something. She was just a kid in a war filled world. He had heard about Sokovia last year, and Bucky remembered seeing her face plastered on a newspaper. She was so young, she didn't have a choice just like him. She was forced to be apart of a project she didn't want to be apart of. She only joined because of her siblings. Steve looked at her in the rear view mirror, he was worried, she had been out of it for a bit. He shared a glance with Bucky until he tore his eyes away.

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